Work Essentials

A Freelancer’s Guide To Increasing Rates – Succeed Or Perish

Every entrepreneur dreams of earning more money, whether they own a business or work as a freelancer. But if you’re already an experienced professional, raising your rates can be challenging. It requires skillful negotiation, good communication, and the right timing. If you are looking for a comprehensive strategy to increase rates as a freelancer, this guide …

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Hiring In-House vs. Freelancer Or Agency Engagement – Making The Best Choice

In an ideal scenario, your workforce comprises a dedicated team of in-house professionals who are fully invested in realizing your vision flawlessly. However, in the practical world, you often find yourself in the constant balancing act of determining what tasks and responsibilities can be effectively outsourced and to whom they should be entrusted. When it …

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Top 10 Best Accounting Software For Travel Agencies

Travel agencies have a unique business model. They handle multiple clients, deal with different service providers, manage various currencies, and adhere to different tax laws based on their global operations. Manual accounting or traditional software that is not tailored to cater to these unique needs can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and even financial losses. In …

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The Great AI Debate: Is Artificial Intelligence Friend or Foe To Freelancers?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the nature of work across industries, and the freelance world is no exception. While some argue that AI is a powerful tool that can enhance productivity for freelancer and open up new opportunities for them, others fear that it could lead to job displacement and ultimately undermine the gig …

The Great AI Debate: Is Artificial Intelligence Friend or Foe To Freelancers? Read More »

Top Productivity Tools For Entrepreneurs And Small Business Owners

A productive business is the key to financial success. Sounds like a cliché, and yet, every entrepreneur knows it’s true. However, not everyone knows how to achieve effectiveness and the best output in business. We’ve got the “how-to” in this article. And even more than one! The best productivity tools for entrepreneurs are at your …

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Top Invoicing & Billing Software In India

Billing software are like snowflakes – no two are exactly the same! It’s crucial for businesses to have a billing system that’s custom-tailored to their unique needs. After all, a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t cut it in today’s diverse business landscape. In this article, we will explore the unique billing requirements of different businesses and …

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Must-Have Slack Apps & Integrations For Managing Freelancers and Agencies

Are you managing freelancers and agencies? If so, you need to know the best Slack apps & integrations for staying on top of your projects. From task management apps to communication hubs, these must-have Slack apps & integrations will ensure that all your collaboration efforts are organized, streamlined, and efficient. Read on to find out …

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28 Best Business Management Software In 2024

If you are just a newbie starting a new business or looking to efficiently run your already established business, having great software tools at your disposal can help you run your business operations smoothly like a well-oiled machine.  In this article, we will discuss the top business management software solutions to effectively manage your business …

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How To Receive International Payments As A Freelancer – A Tax Guide

As a freelancer, the bullseye hit is often getting that first client, and for some it is closing a deal with an international client. Freelancers often find that while starting out is simple, as they begin to earn income, things become complicated due to the added responsibilities of tracking and filing taxes, especially if they’re …

How To Receive International Payments As A Freelancer – A Tax Guide Read More »

6 Reasons Why Clients Don’t Pay On Time And How To Deal With It

As a freelancer or small business owner, one of the most frustrating experiences can be clients not paying on time. Late payments can cause cash flow problems and put a strain on your business, and it can be challenging to know why clients are not paying as agreed.  However, by understanding the common reasons why …

6 Reasons Why Clients Don’t Pay On Time And How To Deal With It Read More »

Starting An Agency? 7 Important Steps For A Smoother Transition

If you’ve already conquered the freelance world, you may now be ready to expand into the next logical step: starting an agency.  First and foremost, solo freelancing and running a full-fledged agency are two very different things. The set of skills required for both vary drastically as well. While solo freelancers can take on smaller …

Starting An Agency? 7 Important Steps For A Smoother Transition Read More »

Industry-wise Top Lead Management Software in 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing leads effectively is crucial for any company’s success.  With the rise of technology, businesses have access to a wide range of lead management software that can help streamline their processes and increase their productivity.  However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one …

Industry-wise Top Lead Management Software in 2024 Read More »

3 Must-Have Software Tools To Run your Freelance or Agency Business Efficiently

The main reason why people start freelancing or an agency is independence. But this independence means that you have to manage everything on your own, whether it’s about establishing your online presence, finding new clients, keeping track of all your leads, managing existing clients, collecting payments on time, handling accounting & bookkeeping, or keeping up …

3 Must-Have Software Tools To Run your Freelance or Agency Business Efficiently Read More »

19 Freelance Tools to Increase Your Productivity

As a freelancer, you wear many hats. Not only are you responsible for finding and pitching clients, but you also have to handle the nitty-gritty details of running your business. That includes everything from creating invoices and bookkeeping to marketing and sales. And if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  So, to make …

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19 Best Tools For Graphic Designers

Brands of all types and sizes need a graphic designer who can translate their thoughts & textual context to visual content. According to a recent survey, more than 80% of digital marketers use visual media when creating social media marketing solutions. This is because visual assets used in social media posts bring in 650% higher …

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Freelancer’s Guide To Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using someone’s words in your content without consent. It is an intellectual theft of someone’s thoughts, even if the law treats it as illegal and unethical.  Even though you may believe you understand plagiarism and wouldn’t engage in it, it might sometimes be so subtle to even notice. Knowing what plagiarism is by …

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8 Basic SEO Tips Every Freelancer Should Know

The need for companies to invest in digital marketing services is rising fast as technology becomes an integral part of running a successful business. When it comes to online advertising, SEO is crucial since it helps make websites more visible and more easily indexed by search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital aspect …

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6 Secrets to Managing Remote Freelancers 

There’s a clear difference between in-person employees and remote freelancers – not only are freelancers working independently, but in many cases, management never meets them in person. Feeling disconnected as a result of this remote arrangement can make it harder for businesses to effectively manage, support, encourage, and otherwise engage with freelancers, which in turn, …

6 Secrets to Managing Remote Freelancers  Read More »

How to Motivate & Empower Your Freelance Team

The highest quality output is essential when you operate a remote agency or hire freelancers. While that is a necessity, it’s often easier said than done. Why you ask? Well, your army of freelancers are sitting at different places, working at different timings and even time zones sometimes. While you are trying to manage these …

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Reimagining The Post-Pandemic Workforce

As the pandemic starts to abate in many parts of the globe and feels like a history in others, many businesses are preparing to implement a hybrid virtual model in which some employees work on-site and others do so from home. The new model offers improved work experiences, greater access to talent, higher productivity for …

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How To Write A Killer Proposal Cover Letter

In this digital, competitively busy setting, first impressions are essential. The same goes for the cover letter you’re framing to pitch to a prospect. The client’s desk is already filled with convincing letters from potential talents. Standing out in the enormous queue of “skilled” candidates and grabbing the gig needs you to craft an appealing …

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9 Freelancer Management Tools to Supercharge Your Business

It has never been easy to hire freelancers for the growth of your business. For years we have seen a huge rise in the number of independent workers in India and across the globe.  With the rise in freelance workers, there are a lot of online platforms to hire experienced freelancers for work. Additionally, rather …

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Top 18 Content Writing Tools To Improve Your Writing

You have joined the freelance bandwagon. You’re working on projects you have always dreamt of; enjoying your freedom, and building your business slowly. Let’s admit it, you’re having a good time! There are many things other than writing on your plate — pitching to new clients, marketing your services, building your brand on social media, …

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Top 14 Tools Needed By A Content Writer

You have joined the freelance bandwagon. You’re working on projects you have always dreamt of working on; enjoying your freedom, and building your business slowly. Let’s admit it, you are having a good time! There are many things other than writing on your plate — pitching to new clients, marketing your services, building your brand …

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Top 10 Tools & Technologies For Freelance Web Developer 

Since the inception of the internet, web development technologies have advanced significantly. To begin with, we no longer require refrigerator-sized computers to create simple websites. We don’t even require a powerful computer, thanks to the power of cloud computing. There are multiple SaaS management platforms to streamline operational efficiency. You can stream the newest video games …

Top 10 Tools & Technologies For Freelance Web Developer  Read More »

Social Media Content Strategies For Freelancers 

We all know that mastering social media is challenging and requires a significant amount of time, effort, and focus. Remember, all this marketing work is on top of the actual piece you provide for clients. Don’t you wish for social media checklist that was created exclusively for freelancers? A checklist with actionable and repeatable actions …

Social Media Content Strategies For Freelancers  Read More »

Navigating 11 Best CRMs for Freelancers: A Detailed Guide

Despite the great recession, the freelance workforce continues to grow, according to a new study, and there are no indications of a slowing soon. According to a survey from Upwork, a freelancing platform, freelance employees contributed $1.3 trillion to the US economy in annual wages, up to a $100 million increase from 2020. Freelancers have …

Navigating 11 Best CRMs for Freelancers: A Detailed Guide Read More »

How To Collect Money From Clients Who Won’t Pay?

Tired of playing cat and mouse with clients who won’t cough up the cash? You’re not alone! Late payments and disappearing acts are all too common in the world of freelancing and small business. 71% of freelancers struggle to collect money from clients who won’t pay at some point.  Moreover, pursuing overdue payments not only …

How To Collect Money From Clients Who Won’t Pay? Read More »

11 Elements Of A Creative Brief For Freelancers

One of the most common reasons for an unsuccessful project is the lack of a clear and inadequate brief. Well-written creative brief works as a benchmark to evaluate the work. A creative good brief should result in two things, nailing the client’s expectations, and helping in creating the work that you are proud of.  A …

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Briefs: Reasons To Balance Between Detail And Creativity

As Erich Fromm says, “Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties”. A too detailed brief is an indication of being firm regarding every minute detail that you want. It’s not bad to know what you want, but too many details leave no scope for expressiveness or invention. It is like following a tight …

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Where Should Freelancers Work From: A Complete Guide On The Best Place To Work For Freelancers

People all over the world are growing more entrepreneurial and accepting of new forms of work. One of the many freedoms that freelancing brings is the choice of workplace. Since you do not have a fixed team, you don’t need to have a fixed office place. In fact, even the reconfiguration of our economy will …

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