
Where Should Freelancers Work From: A Complete Guide On The Best Place To Work For Freelancers

People all over the world are growing more entrepreneurial and accepting of new forms of work.

One of the many freedoms that freelancing brings is the choice of workplace. Since you do not have a fixed team, you don’t need to have a fixed office place.

In fact, even the reconfiguration of our economy will transform how and where we work, in addition to changing the career paths of many individuals. Fewer people will be forced to commute to their dreary workplace cubicles on a regular basis. It’s becoming increasingly easy to work from wherever you want, whenever you want.

As a freelancer or self-employed entrepreneur, you have three popular options: work from home, cafes, or coworking spaces. Choosing a place to work is a highly personal decision.

To determine which choice is the most suitable for you. Consider the following benefits and drawbacks of each work to help you make the best choice.

Objective Of A Good Freelancer Working Space:

  1. Increase Productivity – This is the key output of a good working place. If you can’t focus due to any factor, the workplace isn’t worth it.
  2. Increase Network For Leads – A freelancer needs to meet new people to increase their network. Leads will always come from people you have known for some time so it is good to know as many people as possible.
  3. Increase network for collaboration – You need to meet people in your industry’s value chain to who you can subcontract some of your work or get work from them as sub-contracts.
  4. Keep Costs Low – We have to make sure it doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket. AC, Internet, Pantry, etc. can be costly.

Various Locations And It’s Comparative Effect On Your Objectives As A Freelancer

Location / Factors >ProductivityLeadsCollaborationCostSuggested?
Home – SingleHighNoNo LowNO
Home – FamilyLowNo No LowNO
Private OfficeHighNoNoHighNO
Co-working SpaceMediumYesYesMidYES
Client LocationHighNoNoLowSometimes

1. Home


Working from home is a popular choice among solopreneurs and new freelancers. The most obvious advantage of working from home is that you will save money. Working from home is not only the cheapest choice, but it also allows you the greatest flexibility.

It gives you the freedom to work whenever and however you want. You have the option of working in your pajamas or a tailored suit. With a walking desk, you can personalize your workstation, change the lighting in your home office, and add items that motivate you.

You may also have full control over the ambient noise while working, based on your living circumstances. Many home office workers appreciate being able to work in complete silence or with their preferred artificial sounds.

Keeping your home office and skipping the commute isn’t without its drawbacks. Several less evident issues come with working from home. Consider that you’ll have fewer opportunities to get primed to work by your surroundings.

Besides, distractions are another major disadvantage of working from home – laundry, your partner, housemates, and so on. These distractions, combined with the home office’s seclusion and lack of accountability, can spell doom.

You’ll get up in the morning intending to work, only to discover that you’ve just finished a 45-minute Reddit session seeing a man dive into the sea or watching the girl across the street. It happens to the best of us, after all.

Working at home, on the other hand, has the disadvantage of making it tough to mentally shut off at the end of the day. 

Overall, if you’re on a tight budget, a home office can be a terrific option. Moreover, the home office is a great opportunity to customize your work environment.

However, it’s equally crucial to recognize the very real drawbacks of working from home. There’s no place to meet clients, the home’s diversions always call, and there’s a serious risk of becoming a workaholic because there’s no work/life separation.

In addition, our blog will teach you how to manage your work-life balance.

2. Own Office

Freelancer Office Location is beneficial to your productivity, but it comes at a significant price.

Furthermore, as a freelancer, it is not advisable to rent or own a personal office because it will cost you more and you will be responsible for regular maintenance, wifi fees, and power bills.

As a result, having your own office space is not recommended. Furthermore, if you work alone in that office, you will lose motivation over time because you will not be forming new relationships while being alone in your workplace, and you will gradually burn out. As a result, pick a place where you’ll enjoy working and won’t break the bank.

3. Coworking Space

Entrepreneurs and freelancers flock to coworking spaces because they are hip and trendy. Shared tables or shared “hot desks,” which are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, are the most prevalent seating arrangements in coworking spaces. Coworking spaces, on the other hand, occasionally rent out allocated workstations or individual offices.

There are numerous advantages to joining a coworking space. Community activities and prospective networking opportunities are available at coworking spaces, and they could change the course of your career. Or, at the absolute least, combat social isolation and a lack of professionalism in the home office.

This is the most suitable place for a freelancer. Your productivity may hit a little if you get distracted easily, but after a couple of weeks, you will learn to focus. You can even just use a headphone if you are distracted by sound. Worst case, take a private cabin inside a coworking space.

The most beneficial thing about working from a co-working space is that you get to meet new people from all kinds of professions. You will not only meet freelancers but also people from other small teams. Meeting people regularly will help you build relations, which will bring you more quality leads. You will also find a lot of people to collaborate with and deliver your work faster or expand your scope of work.

If the churn in your co-working space is low then keep changing your co-working space every few months. You always need to make sure that your network is growing. Meeting new people who are themselves freelancers is also important for your emotional support.

4. Client’s Office


When you are working on a regular project with a client, it would be good to work from their location. It increases the productivity of that project, especially in the initial days. Your costs will also be less. If you try, you will make good relations with the employees at the client’s place, which might help you grow. Depending on your profession, these employees may not always bring you leads but might collaborate with you in their free time.

While working from the client’s location, you may need to connect with the company’s network to access work information.  In order to do this, the client may need your laptops or smartphones to comply with its BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy.

5. Cafe


A cafe for work is like a co-working space on steroids. High cost, high distraction, lots of people but shallow relations that rarely last. Since you are not seeing the same people regularly, it is difficult to make trustable relations at a cafe. At a coworking space, you can open a conversation with others at a water cooler, pantry, break-out area, etc. but at a cafe, it will be difficult. 

Moreover, the distraction is generally higher as there is a lot of movement. You will always want to check out that new person who just walked in. It’s a great place to find stories, not great to write one.

Going to the coffee house also creates a barrier between your job and personal life. Most importantly, many coffee shops offer a low level of background noise that can help you be more creative. Coffee shops may provide the best value for the money in perfect circumstances. Working from coffee shops, however, leaves a lot of things to chance.

Also, read Best Places to Work Remotely in Bangalore>

Wrapping Up: Where Should Freelancers Work From?

The best place to work for freelancers would be a coworking space and occasional meetings outside at a cafe or client’s location. 

In different situations, everyone performs well. The type of work you do and where you are in your career will impact the best place for you to work. While the financial savings of a home office may be enticing early in your freelance career, the networking perks of a coworking space are likely to outweigh the monthly membership fee as your career progresses.

One thing is certain, though. It’s impossible to know how you’ll work best without some trial and error!

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