
How To Write A Killer Proposal Cover Letter

In this digital, competitively busy setting, first impressions are essential. The same goes for the cover letter you’re framing to pitch to a prospect.

The client’s desk is already filled with convincing letters from potential talents.

Standing out in the enormous queue of “skilled” candidates and grabbing the gig needs you to craft an appealing cover letter.

Instances suggest many skilled freelancers fail to land a project because they lack impactful proposal writing skills

Here, we will guide you through the process of creating a stellar cover letter for your proposal that grabs the client’s attention and brings exciting offers to your table.


1. Read the Requirement Thoroughly

Many freelancers commit the mistake of starting the proposal just by reading the headline and not going into detail. Professional proposal writing services suggest that this is not a great idea because you will miss vital information in the job description/requirements.

This may lead to non-adherence to a clause that the employer might have included, and you miss it altogether.

Check out the 30 common freelancing mistakes you can avoid making in this blog!

Reading the requirement thoroughly will help you understand the client’s needs better, customize your offering, and frame your pitch accordingly.

Sometimes, the clients also put specific instructions between the job requirements to know if you have read them thoroughly.

Here’s one example. 


We are looking for talented logo designers to join our team and work on our brand’s new logo launch, which is due this coming month.

We are a startup based out of Dubai and work with digital marketing agencies to care for their content needs. Write “N” at the beginning of your cover letter.

The pay is decent, and if we like this work, there will be regular work in the coming months. Place your bid to discuss further. 

If you start your proposal after a single gaze at the headline of hiring logo designers, you will miss the vital instruction in between. The same instruction 

2. Use Comprehensive Language and Tone 

Now that you have read the description in detail, it’s time to start writing the cover letter.

Remember, the cover letter is not for showing how many bombastic words you know. Neither is it your space to show how strong your vocabulary skills are. 

Keeping the proposal simple and comprehensive is the key; the sentence flow must be seamless. It would help if you keep the tone so that it directly connects to the client, and they find it interesting to read until the end. 

The more straightforward structure you follow conveying the most powerful message, the better your chances to stand out in many applications.

3. Capture Attention

Your client is super busy and receiving hundreds of applications stating why they should hire them. The chances are high.

He will scroll through your proposal, too, UNLESS you have something unique in it. 

Consider starting with a line that forces them to stop by and read more about you.

Something similar could be, “I am super excited to frame this letter as I have four years of experience in logo designing, fitting the exact criteria you’re looking for. I’ll tell you why.” 

It is essential to grab their attention in the first few seconds of them opening your proposal. They won’t even take it to the next paragraph if they aren’t impressed. 

4. Answer Why You’re The Perfect Fit 

Once you’ve successfully grabbed their attention, they’re likely to read your letter, in the end, to understand if you are the one they are looking to hire. So, playing your dice on point here is crucial, or you’ll lose the game. 

You have to convince the client why you’re an excellent fit for the project and why they won’t regret hiring you. Choose to answer the following questions in detail: 

  • How does your experience fit in with the mentioned job description?

Here, talk about your experience in the concerned field. Suppose they’re looking for a graphic designer for a new website.

Talk about your experience in graphic designing, what you understand about the industry, and your related work. Showcase your design skills and make sure to create a catchy graphic designer cover letter.

  • What relevant work have you done? 

Tell them what similar projects you have worked on and how you contributed to that work. Describe how your client reacted to your work and gave you a big thumbs up. Keep it precise and to the point. Attach relevant samples to your work for them to look at your skills. 

  • Talk about your ideas and excitement about working on the project. 

Tell them some brief ideas of how to be a unique contributor to the project. Express your enthusiasm to be a part of it and that you can’t wait to hear back from them. 

Clients love to see energetic candidates willing to invest their hundred percent in the project. A monotonous, repetitive cover letter without customization is a big red flag for them. 

5. Conclude with a Catchy CTA

If the client has come to the end of your cover letter, you have done an incredible job. But don’t think you’re done yet.

Not adding a catchy call-to-action will often fade the client’s interest to revert to you. Therefore, concluding your proposal cover letter with an engaging CTA is crucial, forming a different communication gateway. 

Some Quick Tips For Crafting an Appealing Cover Letter 

Now that you know the elements of what goes inside an intriguing proposal, here are a few quick hacks on the significant pointers. 

  • While you write the proposal, ensure your focus is on client requirements. If they are looking for a copywriter for a travel website, you must not be talking about your experience writing crypto copies. What you can produce must be relevant to what the client wants. Want to become a copywriting superstar? Check out our blog for some insider tips and tricks to kickstart your journey!
  • You might have written hundreds of copies or designed more than a hundred logos. But what the client cares about more is how you can be of help to their project. Rather than boasting about your achievements, explain the similar work you have done and the experience you have gained in that area. 
  • Always remember that the proposal is not an essay on your professional achievements. It is a pitch to convince the prospect about your services. It would help if you hit the areas that connect to the client and they find it reliable to hire you for the project. 

Let’s see one example: a lot about the tactics for crafting an appealing cover letter that works. You could take references from this template while you pitch your next prospect. 

Here we go! 

Hey Sam, 

Greetings of the day! 

I’m writing this letter to express my strong desire to join your project about copywriting experts for an ed-tech website.

Being a copywriter for over three years now, I have collaborated with many ed-tech brands and startups and helped them with their needs of steller website copies. 

I follow a unique copywriting strategy that instantly connects to the audience and helps you get the recognition you deserve.

I’ll be open to constructive criticism and shall open the suggested feedback accordingly to keep up with your requirements. 

I can’t wait to implement my creativity and skills to develop engaging website copies that will stand out in the great wave of sensitive documents from competitors. 

I’d appreciate any further queries from your end and would be happy to answer them. I am attaching my samples herewith for you to gauge my skills better. 

Sounds like a good fit? Feel free to revert, and let’s discuss the project further. 

The Bottom Line 

Framing a catchy cover letter for your proposal is the first step towards creating an impression with your prospect and might open the door to long-term opportunities. So, be very cautious while you write the letter and ensure you are hitting the target areas right on point. 

Do you apply the steps mentioned above while you pitch a prospect? If not, what are you waiting for? It’s your time to implement the strategies now! And if you need some more resources for creating a winning freelance portfolio, we have got you covered too!

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