
A Freelancer’s Guide To Increasing Rates – Succeed Or Perish

Every entrepreneur dreams of earning more money, whether they own a business or work as a freelancer. But if you’re already an experienced professional, raising your rates can be challenging. It requires skillful negotiation, good communication, and the right timing. If you are looking for a comprehensive strategy to increase rates as a freelancer, this guide …

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How To Excel At Self-Promotion As A Freelancer?

In a world full of self-promotion gurus and marketing experts, how do you, a freelancer, stand out? Fear not, our friend! We’ve got the inside scoop on mastering self-promotion techniques in business meetings. Also since, these meetings serve as a gateway to potential projects.  We understand the challenge of finding the right balance between promoting …

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Why You Should Conduct A Shopify Exit Survey

As an ecommerce business owner, you will agree that it is a mandate to continuously improve your Shopify store’s performance.  From increasing sales to improving customer satisfaction, there are many factors that contribute to the success of your business. Here, one key factor that you may be overlooking is the exit survey. What Is A …

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Outsourcing Nightmares: 3 Problems Freelancers and Agencies Should Avoid

Gone are the days of being limited by geography or time zones. Now, businesses can collaborate with freelancers and agencies from different countries and time zones, allowing them to work around the clock. Whether it’s reducing costs, accessing specialized skills, or improving efficiency, outsourcing can be the magic lamp that unlocks a business’s full potential! …

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5 Practical Ways To Deal With Unhappy Clients

“Satisfied customers are the most valuable form of promotion that cannot be purchased with money!” However, not all freelance clients are always satisfied with your services. As a freelancer, you may have faced instances where you had to handle disgruntled clients, which can be a difficult and nerve-wracking situation. But it also presents a chance …

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7 Tips For Juggling Multiple Freelance Clients/Projects

We’ve been playing with AI-powered text generators, and we’ve been amazed-both by what they can do and what they can’t. Unfortunately, for now, it can’t help us deal with clients. But, well, is that time too far? We hope not! Being able to handle multiple clients as a freelancer is a dream come true. It …

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6 Reasons Why Clients Don’t Pay On Time And How To Deal With It

As a freelancer or small business owner, one of the most frustrating experiences can be clients not paying on time. Late payments can cause cash flow problems and put a strain on your business, and it can be challenging to know why clients are not paying as agreed.  However, by understanding the common reasons why …

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How to Use Project Huddle to Collaborate With Your Agency’s Clients?

Communication is essential when working with agency’s clients. Better communication helps improve client feedback, build two-way communication and help deliver projects on time. 57% of projects fail due to the breakdown in communications. Many agencies use email and messaging apps to communicate with their clients. These types of media may work for different projects but …

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Best Practices For Creating And Sending Invoices To Clients

An invoice is not just a piece of paper. It is an extension of your brand. A nicely designed, clear, and easy-to-read invoice can change the customer experience drastically. A comprehensive invoice with detailed information, terms & conditions, payment details, due dates, etc. can help you avoid confusion with your clients and receive payments on …

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How To Get International Clients As A Freelancer

You want to invest in your creative skill. You want to better your professional touch but sometimes a full-time job can become a bottle-neck to your growth. The reasons here can be diverse – work pressure, insufficient pay, lack of challenges, poor work culture, and so forth! That’s where freelancing comes into the picture. It …

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8 Smart Ways To Minimize Risk When Working With New Clients

Ask any freelancer about one of their biggest challenges, and most of them (if not all) will say it’s about taking up a new client. As a freelance business owner, your goal is to expand your business and increase your monthly earnings, which is impossible without taking on new clients and projects. But at the …

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How To Find Your First Client As A Freelancer?

A new career, more money, and a greater sense of life purpose — Imagine this! Sounds like a dream, right? You are talented and skilled and you are convinced freelancing is for you. You’ve even organized your home office, contemplated your fees, and ordered some luring business cards.  But what about finding clients? It turns …

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How To Built Long-Term Relationships with Clients

Hopping from one client to another can be tiring. Having more consistency in your freelancing work can give you some peace of mind. All of these are reasons why it’s important for freelancers to learn how to establish long-term relationships with their clients. Getting new clients is a ton of work and you don’t always …

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7 Tips To Convince Your Clients To Rehire You

Freelance business involves spending considerable time selling your skills and finding ideal clients who value your work. Getting clients is one of the biggest hurdles freelancers deal with daily. To maintain a steady cash flow, freelancers need to keep adding projects to their pipeline. This means finding new clients is a recurrent activity for freelancers. …

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10 Practical Ways To Build Healthy Boundaries With Client

“Ding” “Ding” “Ding” “Ding”… It’s 1 AM, and Rohan’s mobile is constantly buzzing with WhatsApp notifications. He has recently started freelancing as a website designer. And now his client is messaging him in the wee hours of the night. They need some random font adjustment in the website that Rohan is designing.  While Rohan is …

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4 Ways Hiring Freelancer Can Save Your Company Money

Freelancing has grown in popularity as massive as approx 1.1 billion, as more people leave typical 9-5 jobs in favor of becoming their boss and picking the work they want to accomplish. This is due to the rise in popularity of technological advancements and the ability to link clients with freelancers worldwide, allowing more people …

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14 Ways To Retain Freelance Clients For Long-Term

While attracting new freelance clients has its appeal, maintaining existing freelance clients will yield you a higher ROI over time – and it will cost 5 to 25 times less. However, how can you develop a client retention strategy that keeps your present freelance clients engaged and satisfied? If you want to keep your most …

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5 Ways To Collect Client Feedback As A Freelancer

The importance of client feedback cannot be underestimated. It aids freelancers in their personal development, identifying any areas where they may improve, enhancing their workflow, and assisting them in the development of their skills. Moreover, feedback plays an essential role when it comes to developing proposal templates and scope of work templates for new employment. …

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6 Reasons Why Client Feedback Is Important To Your Business 

Even the most experienced freelancers become nervous when they are about to receive feedback from a client. Will they enjoy what you’ve done? Is it going to live up to their expectations? You’re unlikely to get it right every time, no matter how talented you are or how precisely you follow a client’s requirement. That …

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How To Evaluate A Potential Freelancer – A Client’s Perspective

Working quickly and efficiently in every area of a company’s operation is critical if it wants to scale quickly. You want to do tasks as rapidly as possible. When relying solely on internal resources, achieving that speed becomes tough. Using freelance is also a must because of their fast hiring cycles and quick onboarding durations. …

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When Is The Best Time To Send Invoices?

In the business world, invoicing is a crucial element in facilitating the payment process. However, one aspect often overlooked is the timing of invoice dispatch. The decision on the best time to send invoices can greatly impact the speed and ease of payment, thereby influencing your business cash flow and client relationships. Utilizing invoicing software …

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How to Communicate with Potential Clients As a Freelancer

Do you have a good client communication system in place?  Even if your organization is excellent at acquiring and converting quality leads, this does not always transfer into the capacity to form strong, long-term relationships.  Moreover, without them, you won’t be able to completely realize your market potential. As a result, an increasing number of …

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How freelancers Should Find Clients: Killing Funnels?

Getting quality clients is one of the most difficult aspects of freelancing. Whether you’re just starting out as a freelancer or looking to expand your current customer base.  It can feel like you’re spending more time seeking clients than really working as a freelancer on some days. You owe it to yourself to put your …

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16 Effective Ways To Get High Paying Clients As A Freelancer

Freelancing has grown in popularity in recent years, and the movement is just growing. More people are quitting their employment and reclaiming control of their life by launching freelance businesses.  Moreover, the internet has made it a lot easier to generate money online nowadays. So, not only are freelancers reclaiming control of their schedules and …

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7 Questions Freelancers Should Ask Clients Before Starting Work

It all comes down to the questions freelancers should ask clients. This is especially true when it comes to the types of client questions freelancers should ask potential on the first meeting. Asking the client questions during the onboarding process will help you determine if the project is right for you, scope of the project, …

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27 Proven Ways To Align Freelancers With Your Agency’s Goals

Finding ways to align freelancers with the company’s goals is critical for its success. As, due to the pandemic, more than half of organizations, or 53%, think that remote work has increased their willingness to hire freelancers. Additionally, many individuals are planning to start their career as freelancers. As a result, full-time employees are being …

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Non Conventional Ways To Get Leads As Freelancer

The get leads is critical to the success of any organization. There’s no way to avoid it. It’s difficult to maintain the momentum required for effective business growth without a consistent supply of leads coming in the door every day. Freelance lead generation is the process of acquiring and attracting suitable clients to recruit you …

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How To Collect Money From Clients Who Won’t Pay?

Tired of playing cat and mouse with clients who won’t cough up the cash? You’re not alone! Late payments and disappearing acts are all too common in the world of freelancing and small business. 71% of freelancers struggle to collect money from clients who won’t pay at some point.  Moreover, pursuing overdue payments not only …

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10 Ways To Improve Client Experience As Freelancer

As a freelancer or business person, your primary aim has always been delivering quality work and achieving customer satisfaction. However, if you look from a broader perspective enhancing the overall client experience is as necessary. Clients are the most important aspect of any business, and therefore must be satisfied at the end of the day. …

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Freelancer Contract: Important Clauses To Include

Having a written contract with clients is always advantageous for freelancers. A well-crafted contract provides the necessary protection and assurance for both freelancers and clients. By establishing a contract, you can establish trust with clients, set expectations beforehand, and increase satisfaction with project outcomes and client experience. If you are a freelancer without a contract, …

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5 Annoying Situations For Freelancers & How To Respond To Them

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a freelancer or have fantasized about a freelance career. There’s no denying that working as a freelancer may be enthralling. What could be better than working from home, setting your own hours, and, most importantly, being your own boss? While you may believe you’ve cracked the hardest biscuit, life …

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