Quotation Format Templates for FREE

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Professional Quotation Format for Businesses & Agencies

Free Quotation Templates
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Quotation Format in PDF (Add quotation details and download it in PDF format.)

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Use Refrens quotation templates to create professional quotations
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Features of Quotation Format

Customization of Columns
Customized TemplatesEasy to customize templates as per the requirement. No need of entering the details again and again. Add multiple custom columns and fields.
Create invoice from quotation with one click
Quotation to InvoiceEasily convert your quotations to invoices with just one click. There is no need to create a new invoice from scratch. Simply use our quotation format to save your time and effort.
Email and track quotation
Track Your QuotationsSend your quotations via email and conveniently check whether your client has opened them. With our quotation templates, you can easily keep track of your quotations.
Schedule your Email and send quotation on time
Schedule Your EmailSchedule your emails to send quotations on a future date, ensuring they reach your clients on time even when you are not working. This feature allows you to maintain timely communication with your clients effortlessly.
Multiple Currency and Country supported on quotation template
Countries SupportedRefrens' quotation templates support over 150 countries and currencies, including the rarest, ensuring you can cater to clients globally with ease.
Upfront Support
Upfront SupportGet live support from our experienced support executive. We're available on both chat and WhatsApp to answer your questions and assist you with any issues.
Logo Customisations
Logo CustomizationOur quotation templates allow you to add your business logo effortlessly. This feature ensures that your quotation looks professional and matches your brand identity.
Custom Fields & Columns
Custom ColumnsTailor your quotations by adding custom fields and columns to meet your specific needs. Our quotation template provides flexibility, enabling you to include all the necessary details in your documents.
Hide Irrelevant Columns
Hide Irrelevant ColumnsSimplify your quotations by hiding any columns that are not relevant. This feature ensures that your quotation sample is clean and focused on the necessary information, making it easier for your clients to understand.
Color Customisations
Color CustomizationChange the color of your quotations to match your branding with ease. Our quotation template allows you to adjust colors, ensuring that your documents are visually appealing and consistent with your brand.
Add Letterhead
Add LetterheadInclude a letterhead at the top of your quotations for an extra touch of professionalism. This feature enhances your quotation format, making your documents look official and well-organized.
Quotation Creation
Quotation CreationEffortlessly create simple, professional, and visually appealing quotations with our user-friendly tools. The intuitive interface of our quotation format makes the process quick and easy.
Quotation Management
Quotation ManagementKeep all your quotations organized in one place for easy access and management. Our platform allows you to store and retrieve your documents efficiently, ensuring that you can find any quotation format when needed.
Customisation Options
Customization OptionsTailor your quotations to match your brand identity with a variety of customization options. Add logos, custom fields, columns, colors, and letterheads to your quotation template.
Download & Print
Download and PrintEasily download your quotations as PDFs and print them directly from the platform. This feature ensures that you can quickly generate physical copies of your documents when needed.
Email Integrations
Email IntegrationSend quotations directly to your clients via email from our platform. This feature simplifies the communication process, allowing you to deliver documents promptly and professionally.
Client Management
Client ManagementEffectively manage client information and history within the platform. This feature helps you keep track of all client interactions and documents, ensuring that you can provide personalized service.
Sales CRM Integration
Sales CRM IntegrationEnhance customer relationship management by integrating with sales CRM tools. This feature helps you manage client interactions and sales processes more effectively.
Expense Reports
Expense ReportsGenerate and manage expense reports for comprehensive financial tracking. This feature helps you keep track of all business expenses, ensuring that you can maintain accurate financial records.
Mobile App
Mobile AppUse the Refrens mobile app to create, manage, and share quotations on the go. This feature provides flexibility and convenience, allowing you to handle your business operations from anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A quotation format is a document that contains all the information that includes product name, amount, quantity, and other essential details. You can easily edit this document and can customize it as per your requirement.

Using our quotation template, you can create quotations in Excel and Word Format. Different types of templates include the freelance quote, service quote, price quote, business quote and construction quote templates.

You can easily create a quotation using Refrens quotation template, you just have to add some details on the template:

  1. The name, address, logo, and other vendor details.
  2. Same as vendor details add buyers' information.
  3. Fill out the product or service name with a description.
  4. Add quantity or hours worked with your price or hourly rate.
  5. Clearly define the terms & conditions on the quotation.
  6. Sign of an authorized person.

Yes, you can customize Refrens quotation template by adding the logo, custom fields and columns, or by hiding the irrelevant columns. You can also change the color of the quotation, add letterhead at the top of the quotation.

Quotation template must include:

  1. Quotation at the top of the document.
  2. Quotation number and date.
  3. Logo of the company.
  4. Seller details with all relevant information.
  5. Buyer details with name and address, contact number.
  6. Product name, quantity, and rate.
  7. Terms and conditions.
  8. Accepted mode of payments.
  9. Signature.

Quotation Format and Free Quotation Templates

A Quotation template is a blank format used by vendors to outline the products or services they are going to offer to their clients at a specific price. Quotation plays a very important role as it is the first touchpoint of any business. Before sending the invoice, contract or agreement, it is the quotation that is sent by the vendor to grab the opportunity of getting work from the client, so having a great quotation template is necessary.

Why one should use a quotation format for the business?

A well-structured and professionally designed quotation serves as a crucial document in any business transaction. Think of it as the face of your business, especially in the eyes of potential clients. When a client is seeking services or products, they often contact multiple vendors to understand their offerings. During these interactions, one of the key elements they assess is the quotation received from each vendor.

Consider a scenario where a client is searching for a web developer to design and develop their website. After researching and receiving referrals, the client compiles a list of potential vendors. These vendors are then approached, and the client explains the project details to each of them. In return, the client requests a quotation, including the price and estimated completion time for the project.

Upon receiving the quotations, the client meticulously evaluates each one. What stands out to them is not just the pricing but also the professionalism and clarity reflected in the quotation document. A professionally designed quotation indicates that the business is organized, values transparency, and pays attention to details. It establishes credibility and builds trust with potential clients, making them more likely to consider the vendor seriously.

Furthermore, a well-crafted quotation provides clarity and transparency. It clearly outlines the services or products offered, their corresponding costs, any applicable terms and conditions, and the proposed timeline for project completion. This transparency is vital for ensuring both the client and the vendor are aligned on the project scope, preventing misunderstandings or disputes later in the process.

In a competitive market, a professional quotation can be a key differentiator. When clients compare quotations from various vendors, a visually appealing and well-structured document can capture their attention and make your offer more attractive. It becomes a tool for showcasing your professionalism, which is particularly significant when dealing with corporate clients or projects of higher value.

Moreover, using a proper quotation format doesn’t just enhance your business’s image; it also makes your operations more efficient. Quotation templates simplify the process of generating quotes. They allow you to customize your offerings for different clients and services, saving time and effort that can be better utilized in other aspects of your business.

Lastly, beyond being a tool for client interaction, a well-structured quotation can also act as a conversion tool. It has the potential to persuade potential clients to move forward with your services. It communicates the value they will receive for their investment, making them more inclined to make a decision in your favour. Moreover, once approved you can directly create an invoice from the same quotation without creating the invoice from scratch using a free invoice templates or using a tool like invoice generator.

In essence, a professionally designed quotation isn’t just a standard practice; it’s a strategic asset. It significantly influences the decision-making process of potential clients and can ultimately determine the success of your business endeavours. Therefore, investing in creating clear, visually appealing, and professional quotations is a fundamental step towards achieving business growth and success.

Elements of an Quotation Format

In today's competitive world just creating a quotation is not enough, it is also important to know the proper format of the quotation before making one. So here is the list of elements you must have in your quotation form or you can directly use or quotation maker to create online quotations for free.

Title - The document begins with a clear title, usually "Quotation," at the top. This title signifies the purpose of the document.

Quotation Number - Each quotation is assigned a unique identification number. This number is essential for referencing and organizing records. It also serves as a crucial identifier during invoice creation and other documentation processes.

Quotation Date and Due Date - The quotation includes the date when it is created. Additionally, it specifies a due date, indicating the deadline for the client's response or acceptance of the quotation.

Seller's Company Information - Detailed information about the seller's company is provided, including the company name, physical address, email address, and phone number. This information establishes the seller's identity and provides easy contact details for the client.

Buyer Information - The buyer's details, such as their name, address, email address, and phone number, are included. Personalizing the quotation with the buyer's information ensures a tailored approach and establishes a connection with the client.

Product or Service Details - The quotation lists the products or services being offered to the client. Each item is clearly defined, indicating what the client will receive.

Product/Service Descriptions - For each product or service listed, a detailed description is provided. This description elaborates on the specifications, features, or scope of the product or service. Clarity in descriptions helps the client understand the offering thoroughly.

Detailed Cost Breakdown - The costs associated with each product or service are broken down. This breakdown provides transparency, allowing the client to understand the individual costs of different components.

Total Cost - The quotation summarizes the total cost of the project or purchase. This total provides a clear overview of the overall investment required from the client.

Price Variation Clause - A statement indicating that the provided prices are subject to change based on specific factors is included. This clause sets the expectation that prices might vary and prevents misunderstandings.

Terms and Conditions - This section outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction. It covers aspects such as payment terms, delivery schedules, warranties, and any other important contractual details. Clarity in terms helps manage client expectations and ensures a smooth transaction process.

Additional Notes - Space is allocated for additional notes or comments. Here, specific instructions, special considerations, or any other relevant information can be communicated. This section allows for personalized communication with the client.

Authorized Person's Signature - The quotation is signed by an authorized representative of the seller's company. This signature signifies the document's authenticity and formalizes the proposal.

Incorporating these elements into the quotation format creates a comprehensive and professional document. It not only communicates the offerings effectively but also establishes trust and credibility between the seller and the client. Such a detailed and well-organized quotation format ensures clarity in communication and sets the stage for successful business transactions.

Here you can check out how to make a quotation easily without any hassle.

Quotation Format offered by Refrens

Sample Quotation Template

A sample quotation template provides a basic and versatile format that can be customized according to your specific requirements. It serves as a foundation upon which you can add your company's details, product or service information, and pricing.

Business Quotation Template

A business quotation template is designed for formal business transactions. It often includes fields for detailed product or service descriptions, quantities, rates, and total costs. Business quotation templates are ideal for professional organizations looking to create detailed and comprehensive quotes for clients.

Company Quotation Template

The company quotation template is tailored for businesses that want to present a unified and professional image. It includes fields for company branding, such as logos and letterheads, along with detailed sections for products or services and their corresponding prices. This template is ideal for companies that prioritize branding consistency in their quotations.

Price Quotation Template

A price quotation template focuses on providing clear and detailed pricing information. It often includes itemized lists of products or services, along with their individual prices. Price quotation templates are suitable for businesses that want to present transparent pricing structures to their clients.

Work Quotation Template

A work quotation template is specifically designed for service-based businesses and contractors. It includes sections describing the scope of work, materials or resources required, labour costs, and any additional charges. Work quotation templates are perfect for professionals in fields such as construction, home improvement, or consulting.

Sales Quotation Template

A sales quotation template is focused on showcasing products or services in an appealing manner. It often includes images, detailed descriptions, pricing, and any special offers. Sales quotation templates are suitable for businesses aiming to impress potential clients with visually appealing quotes, especially in industries like retail or e-commerce.

You can also use our other templates like invoice format, proforma invoice templates, purchase order format, invoice templates Word, Print-friendly invoice templates, blank invoice templates Word, tax invoice templates.

Professionals who can use Refrens quotation templates for their business

Refrens' versatile quotation template caters to a wide array of professions, making it an invaluable tool for various businesses and service providers. Here's how different professionals can benefit from using Refrens' quotations for free:


Freelancers across diverse fields, such as writers, designers, developers, and consultants, can utilize Refrens to create professional quotations for their clients. The platform allows freelancers to present their services in a structured and visually appealing manner, enhancing their credibility.

Small Business Owners

Small business owners, whether operating in retail, services, or consulting, can use Refrens to generate detailed and customized quotations. This is especially beneficial for businesses involved in sales, marketing, IT services, and more. By creating professional quotes, small businesses can make a significant impact on potential clients and increase their chances of securing contracts.

Creative Professionals

Creative professionals such as artists, photographers, graphic designers, and content creators can showcase their work and pricing creatively through Refrens' quotation templates. This platform allows them to highlight their portfolio effectively and present their creative services in an attractive manner.


Consultants from various fields, including management, finance, legal, and marketing, can use Refrens to outline their services clearly. By creating detailed quotations, consultants can communicate their expertise, services, and associated costs, fostering transparency and trust with their clients.

IT Professionals

IT professionals, including software developers, web designers, and digital marketers, can use Refrens to create quotations that delineate the specifics of their services. This is especially valuable for IT projects, where clear communication of services, costs, and timelines is crucial.

Service Providers

Service-oriented businesses, such as cleaning services, repair services, catering companies, and event planners, can leverage Refrens to provide clients with detailed quotations. By presenting their offerings clearly, service providers can demonstrate professionalism and reliability.

Sales Professionals

Sales professionals in various industries can utilize Refrens to create sales quotations. These quotations can be tailored to showcase products, services, pricing, and terms, enabling sales teams to make compelling offers to potential clients and close deals effectively.

Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies and professionals can use Refrens to present their marketing strategies, campaign details, and associated costs professionally. The platform allows them to create visually appealing quotations, showcasing their expertise and creativity to potential clients.

Easy to Customize Quotation Format

Using Refrens quotation format, you can easily start creating the quotation using the above blank format. Add all the essential elements in the quotation as mentioned above. If you want to add any additional information then you can easily use our custom column feature which helps you to add extra columns anywhere on the quotation.

Once the quotation is created, you can select a quotation template as per your need and can also change the color of your quotation. If you want a more professional-looking quotation then don't forget to add your company letterhead at the top of the quotation.

Once the template is customized, you can send the quotation directly to your potential client using Refrens emailing system. The advantage of using the mail here is you can track your quotation and check whether the client has opened your quotation or not, same you can also schedule your quotation for future dates.

You can create quotations for clients, there are no restrictions for creating or adding the client. manage all your quotations, invoice, and can use proforma invoice format, and other documents in one place.

The Evolution of Quotation Format: From Manual to Digital

Manual Handwritten Quotation Templates:

In the past, creating a quotation was a manual task. Businesses used handwritten quotation templates to provide estimates to clients. This process was slow and often prone to mistakes. Every quotation had to be written from scratch, making it time-consuming. Additionally, keeping track of these documents was difficult, leading to misplaced or lost quotations.

The Introduction of Typed Quotation Templates:

With typewriters, the process of creating quotations became slightly easier. Typed quotation format looked more professional and were easier to read. However, the method still had its challenges. Any change or update to a quotation required retyping the entire document. Managing and storing these typed quotations was still a manual job, which could lead to errors.

The Move to Digital Quotation Templates:

The big change came with computers. Businesses started using digital quotation format created with word processors or spreadsheets. These templates allowed for quick edits and a more standardized approach to creating quotations. Although more efficient, they still required manual data entry, and retrieving information could be cumbersome.

Customizable Quotation Templates Today:

Today, we use fully digital, customizable quotation templates. These templates are designed to save time and reduce errors. Modern templates can be tailored to fit any business's needs, with automated calculations and easy modifications. Sending a quotation to a client is now instant and seamless. Additionally, these templates are stored securely online, so they are always accessible and never lost.

At Refrens, our quotation templates lead the way in this digital evolution. We offer a variety of quotation formats to suit different business needs. Each format is simple to use, helping businesses create professional and accurate quotations quickly.

Digital vs. Paper Quotation Templates: Pros and Cons

When it comes to managing quotations, businesses often face a choice between using digital quotation templates or sticking to traditional paper-based quotation templates. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision that best suits your business needs.

The Benefits of Digital Quotation Templates

1. Efficiency and Speed:Digital quotation templates streamline the process of creating, editing, and sending quotations. With just a few clicks, you can generate a professional-looking quotation format tailored to your specific requirements. This efficiency not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur when manually filling out paper quotation templates.

2. Easy Customization and Storage: Digital platforms allow for easy customization of your quotation template. Whether you need to adjust the layout, add branding elements, or update pricing, you can do so with ease. Moreover, storing digital quotations is simple and secure. You can keep all your records in one place, making it easier to track and retrieve past quotation samples whenever needed.

3. Environmental Impact: In today’s business environment, going green is more than just a trend—it’s a necessity. By choosing digital quotation templates over paper ones, you contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. This eco-friendly approach is not only good for the planet but also enhances your brand’s reputation as a responsible business.

4. Integration with Other Tools: Digital quotation templates often integrate seamlessly with other business tools, such as invoicing software, CRM systems, and accounting platforms. This integration allows for smooth transitions from quotation to invoice and improves overall business workflow.

The Downsides of Digital Quotation Templates

1. Dependence on Technology:While digital quotation templates offer many conveniences, they are entirely dependent on technology. Issues such as software glitches, internet outages, or compatibility problems can disrupt your workflow, potentially causing delays.

2. Learning Curve: For businesses that are not tech-savvy, transitioning to digital quotation format might require some time and effort. Employees may need training to understand how to use the new system effectively, which can initially slow down operations.

The Benefits of Paper Quotation Templates

1. Simplicity and Familiarity: Many businesses still prefer paper quotation formats because of their simplicity and the familiarity they offer. There’s no need to worry about software updates or learning new systems—just print the quotation sample, fill it out, and you’re done.

2. No Dependence on Technology: Paper quotations don’t rely on technology. This means you can generate and manage quotations without worrying about technical failures, making them a reliable option in situations where digital access is limited.

The Downsides of Paper Quotation Templates

1. Time-Consuming and Error-Prone: Filling out paper quotations manually can be time-consuming and increases the risk of human error. Misplaced decimals, missing information, or illegible handwriting can lead to costly mistakes that could affect your business reputation.

2. Storage and Accessibility Issues: Storing paper quotations can be cumbersome, requiring physical space and careful organization. Retrieving past quotations can also be a challenge, especially if they’re stored offsite or in bulky filing systems.

3. Environmental Concerns:Using paper quotation templates contributes to environmental degradation due to paper consumption. In a world increasingly aware of sustainability, businesses that continue to rely heavily on paper may face criticism for not adopting greener practices.

Features of an Effective Quotation Template

When it comes to creating a professional quotation, the template you choose plays a crucial role. An effective quotation template is more than just a document; it’s a tool that ensures clarity, efficiency, and accuracy in your business transactions. Here are the top 10 features that make a quotation template truly stand out:

1. Clear and Professional Layout A well-structured quotation template should have a clean and organized layout. This ensures that all the necessary details are presented clearly, making it easy for both you and your client to understand. A clutter-free quotation format not only enhances readability but also leaves a lasting impression of professionalism.

2. Customization Options Every business has unique requirements, and your quotation template should be flexible enough to accommodate them. Customization options allow you to add or remove fields, adjust the layout, and include specific terms and conditions that are relevant to your industry. This adaptability is key to creating a quotation format that reflects your brand’s identity.

3. Predefined Sections An effective quotation template comes with predefined sections that guide you in including all the essential information. These sections typically include the client’s details, itemized list of products or services, pricing, taxes, and payment terms. Using a quotation sample with these predefined sections saves time and reduces the chances of omitting critical information.

4. Automated Calculations To minimize errors and streamline the process, an effective quotation template should include automated calculations. This feature ensures that all totals, taxes, and discounts are accurately computed, providing a clear and error-free quotation format. This not only saves time but also enhances accuracy, which is crucial in maintaining trust with your clients.

5. Branding Elements Your quotation template should allow you to incorporate your company’s branding elements, such as your logo, colors, and fonts. Consistent branding across all documents, including your quotations, helps in building brand recognition and trust. A well-branded quotation sample reflects professionalism and makes your business stand out.

6. Compatibility with Multiple Formats In today’s digital age, your quotation template should be compatible with various formats, such as PDF, Word, and Excel. This flexibility ensures that you can easily share your quotations with clients, regardless of the software they use. A versatile quotation format enhances convenience and improves communication with clients.

7. Compliance with Legal Standards An effective quotation template should comply with all relevant legal and tax regulations. This includes clearly displaying the applicable taxes, terms of service, and any other legal disclaimers. A compliant quotation format protects your business from potential legal issues and builds trust with your clients.

8. Easy Conversion to Invoice After the client accepts the quotation, the next step is to convert it into an invoice. An efficient quotation template should allow for seamless conversion, reducing the need to manually input data again. This feature not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring a smooth transition from quotation to payment.

9. Accessibility and Cloud Integration In an increasingly mobile world, having access to your quotation templates from anywhere is a must. A cloud-integrated quotation format allows you to create, edit, and send quotations on the go, ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to close a deal. This accessibility enhances efficiency and keeps your business operations running smoothly.

10. Detailed and Transparent Pricing Breakdown Transparency in pricing is essential for building trust with your clients. An effective quotation template should provide a detailed breakdown of costs, including individual items, quantities, unit prices, taxes, and any applicable discounts. This transparency ensures that your clients understand exactly what they are paying for, reducing the likelihood of disputes.

How a Good Quotation Template Can Win You Clients

A well-crafted quotation is more than just a document with figures—it’s a crucial part of your business strategy. A strong quotation template can leave a lasting impression on potential clients, setting you apart from the competition and helping you secure more projects. Here’s how a good quotation template can work in your favor:

Show Professionalism Right from the Start

Your quotation template is often the first formal interaction a client has with your business. A professional, well-organized quotation immediately signals that you are serious about your work. When a client receives a clear and visually appealing quotation format, it not only makes the information easy to digest but also reflects positively on your business. A good first impression can be the deciding factor in whether a client chooses to work with you.

Build Trust Through Clarity and Transparency

Clarity is key when it comes to building trust with your clients. A well-structured quotation format provides a transparent breakdown of all costs, timelines, and services. This transparency ensures that the client knows exactly what they are agreeing to, which helps prevent misunderstandings later on. By being upfront and clear, you establish a foundation of trust, which is essential for any successful business relationship.

Highlight the Value You Offer

A detailed quotation sample doesn’t just list prices—it showcases the value of what you’re offering. By breaking down the services you provide and explaining the costs involved, you help clients see why your services are worth the investment. This approach not only justifies your pricing but also helps the client understand the level of expertise and effort that goes into your work. When clients see the value behind the numbers, they are more likely to choose you over competitors who may not provide as much detail.

Streamline Your Workflow and Improve Efficiency

A well-designed quotation template simplifies the process of creating and sending out quotations. This efficiency allows you to respond to client inquiries more quickly, which can be a significant advantage in a competitive market. Clients appreciate a prompt response, and a professionally crafted quotation sent quickly can make a strong impression. This not only reflects well on your business but also demonstrates your commitment to meeting client needs efficiently.

Personalize Your Approach for Greater Impact

While it’s important to maintain a consistent quotation format, adding a personal touch can greatly enhance its effectiveness. Tailoring your quotations to address the specific needs and concerns of each client shows that you have taken the time to understand their project. This personalized approach can make your quotation stand out and can be the deciding factor for clients who are looking for a business that truly understands their unique requirements.

Lay the Foundation for Long-Term Relationships

A well-prepared quotation format doesn’t just help you win a single project; it sets the stage for a long-term relationship with your client. By providing a clear and detailed quotation, you pave the way for smooth communication and successful project execution. Satisfied clients are more likely to return for future work and recommend your services to others, helping you build a strong client base over time.

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