Free Sample Quotation Templates

Refrens Quotation Template is here to simplify the process for small businesses and agencies in Bahrain. With our user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly create, manage, and track quotations from start to finish. Experience the convenience of professional quotation management with Refrens!

Create Quotation Using Free Quotation Templates
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Quotation Template in PDF (Add quotation details and download it in PDF format.)

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Use Refrens quotation templates to create professional quotations

(You can choose the template in last step after making the quotation)
Quotation Template
Quotation Template
Quotation Template - Letterhead
Quotation Template
Classic Quotation Template
Quotation Template
Printable Quotation Template
Quotation Template
Modern Quotation Template
Quotation Template
Quotation Template - Business
Quotation Template
Get Your Free Quotation Templates NowCreate Free Quotation

Features of Quotation Templates

Customization of Columns
Customized TemplatesEasy to customize templates as per the requirement. No need of entering the details again and again. Add multiple custom columns and fields.
Customization of Quotation & Estimate
Customized ColorsSelect from a variety of colors. Refrens provide 250+ colors for your quotation template along with margin and print format.
Manage your quotations
Keep RecordsNo need of searching for the quotation on computer. Easy to manage and track all your quotations at one place on Refrens.
Create invoice from quotation with one click
Quotation to InvoiceOne click conversion to invoice using quotation. No need of creating the invoice from scratch.
Email and track quotation
Track Your QuotationsSend quotation via mail and check whether your client opened your quotation or not.
Schedule your Email and send quotation on time
Schedule Your EmailSchedule your email for the future date and send quotation to your client on time even when you are not working.
Multiple Currency and Country supported on quotation template
Countries SupportedRefrens quotation template support more than 150+ countries and currencies, even the rarest of the rare.
Upfront Support
Upfront SupportGet live support from our experienced support executive. We are available on chat and on WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a quotation format?

A quotation format is a document that contains all the information that includes product name, amount, quantity, and other essential details. You can easily edit this document and can customize it as per your requirement.

How to make a quotation using quotation template?

You can easily create a quotation using Refrens quotation template, you just have to add some details on the template:

  1. The name, address, logo, and other vendor details.
  2. Same as vendor details add buyers' information.
  3. Fill out the product or service name with a description.
  4. Add quantity or hours worked with your price or hourly rate.
  5. Clearly define the terms & conditions on the quotation.
  6. Sign of an authorized person.
What must be included in a quotation template?

Quotation template must include:

  1. Quotation at the top of the document.
  2. Quotation number and date.
  3. Logo of the company.
  4. Seller details with all relevant information.
  5. Buyer details with name and address, contact number.
  6. Product name, quantity, and rate.
  7. Terms and conditions.
  8. Accepted mode of payments.
  9. Signature.
Can I customize the quotation format?

Yes, you can customize Refrens quotation template by adding the logo, custom fields and columns, or by hiding the irrelevant columns. You can also change the color of the quotation, add letterhead at the top of the quotation.

What are the different quotation formats?

Using our quotation template, you can create quotations in Excel and Word Format. Different types of templates include the freelance quote, service quote, price quote, business quote and construction quote templates.

Free Quotation Templates

A Quotation template is a blank sample used by the vendors to outline the products or services they are going to offer to their clients at a specific price. Quotation plays a very important role as it is the first touchpoint of any business. Before sending the invoice, contract or agreement, it is the quotation that is sent by the vendor to grab the opportunity of getting work from the client, so having a great quotation template is necessary.

Why one should use a quotation template for the business?

A well-structured and professionally designed quotation serves as a crucial document in any business transaction. Think of it as the face of your business, especially in the eyes of potential clients. When a client is seeking services or products, they often contact multiple vendors to understand their offerings. During these interactions, one of the key elements they assess is the quotation received from each vendor.

Consider a scenario where a client is searching for a web developer to design and develop their website. After researching and receiving referrals, the client compiles a list of potential vendors. These vendors are then approached, and the client explains the project details to each of them. In return, the client requests a quotation, including the price and estimated completion time for the project.

Upon receiving the quotations, the client meticulously evaluates each one. What stands out to them is not just the pricing but also the professionalism and clarity reflected in the quotation document. A professionally designed quotation indicates that the business is organized, values transparency, and pays attention to details. It establishes credibility and builds trust with potential clients, making them more likely to consider the vendor seriously.

Furthermore, a well-crafted quotation provides clarity and transparency. It clearly outlines the services or products offered, their corresponding costs, any applicable terms and conditions, and the proposed timeline for project completion. This transparency is vital for ensuring both the client and the vendor are aligned on the project scope, preventing misunderstandings or disputes later in the process.

In a competitive market, a professional quotation can be a key differentiator. When clients compare quotations from various vendors, a visually appealing and well-structured document can capture their attention and make your offer more attractive. It becomes a tool for showcasing your professionalism, which is particularly significant when dealing with corporate clients or projects of higher value.

Moreover, using a proper quotation format doesn’t just enhance your business’s image; it also makes your operations more efficient. Quotation templates simplify the process of generating quotes. They allow you to customize your offerings for different clients and services, saving time and effort that can be better utilized in other aspects of your business.

Lastly, beyond being a tool for client interaction, a well-structured quotation can also act as a conversion tool. It has the potential to persuade potential clients to move forward with your services. It communicates the value they will receive for their investment, making them more inclined to decide in your favour. Moreover, once approved you can directly create an invoice from the same quotation without creating the invoice from scratch using an invoice template in Word or using a tool like invoice generator.

In essence, a professionally designed quotation isn’t just a standard practice; it’s a strategic asset. It significantly influences the decision-making process of potential clients and can ultimately determine the success of your business endeavours. Therefore, investing in creating clear, visually appealing, and professional quotations is a fundamental step towards achieving business growth and success.

Elements of Quotation Templates

In the context of Kuwaiti business practices, invoicing, and adherence to government rules and regulations, it's crucial to include specific elements in quotation templates. Here is a list of essential elements for creating effective and compliant quotations in Kuwait:

Quotation Title - Begin with a clear title such as "Quotation" at the top of the document.

Quotation Number - Assign a unique quotation number for reference, especially important when creating invoices later.

Quotation Date and Due Date - Include the date when the quotation is issued and the due date for the client's response.

Seller's Company Information - Provide comprehensive information about the seller's company, including name, address, email, phone number, and any other relevant details.

Buyer Information - Include details about the buyer, such as their name, address, email, and phone number.

Product or Service Information - Clearly state the name of the product or service offered to the client.

Detailed Product/Service Description - Provide a detailed description of the product or service to ensure clarity for the client.

Breakdown of Amount - Break down the costs associated with the project, allowing the client to analyze and compare.

Total Project Cost - Summarize the total cost required to complete the project.

Pricing Variation Disclaimer - Mention that pricing is subject to variation depending on various factors.

Terms and Conditions - Outline specific terms and conditions related to the project, including accepted payment modes and any other relevant conditions.

Additional Notes - Include extra notes if necessary, such as the number of revisions provided in case of changes requested by the client.

Authorized Person's Signature - Include a space for the signature of the authorized person from the seller's company.

Considering Kuwait's business invoicing and quotation practices, it's crucial to ensure that the quotation adheres to local regulations and follows any specific government guidelines. Additionally, be mindful of any cultural nuances or preferences that may influence the format and content of business documents in Kuwait. Always stay updated with the latest regulations to maintain compliance and build trust with clients in the Kuwaiti business environment.

Quotation Templates offered by Refrens

In the context of Kuwaiti business practices, Refrens offers a range of quotation templates tailored to meet specific needs. These templates ensure a professional and effective presentation of quotations in line with Kuwait's business culture. Here are some of the key quotation templates offered by Refrens, considering Kuwait's business perspective:

Sample Quotation Template:

  • A versatile and basic format that serves as a foundation for customization.
  • Ideal for adding company details, product or service information, and pricing.
  • Provides flexibility for businesses in Kuwait to adapt the template according to their specific requirements.

Business Quotation Template:

  • Designed for formal business transactions, meeting the expectations of professional organizations.
  • Includes fields for detailed product or service descriptions, quantities, rates, and total costs.
  • Ideal for Kuwaiti businesses aiming to create comprehensive and detailed quotes for clients.

Company Quotation Template:

  • Tailored for businesses prioritizing a unified and professional image.
  • Includes fields for company branding, such as logos and letterheads.
  • Suitable for companies in Kuwait emphasizing branding consistency in their quotations.

Price Quotation Template:

  • Focuses on providing clear and detailed pricing information.
  • Includes itemized lists of products or services along with their prices.
  • Suitable for Kuwaiti businesses that want to present transparent pricing structures to clients.

Work Quotation Template:

  • Specifically designed for service-based businesses and contractors in Kuwait.
  • Includes sections describing the scope of work, materials or resources required, labor costs, and additional charges.
  • Ideal for professionals in fields such as construction, home improvement, or consulting in Kuwait.

Sales Quotation Template:

  • Focused on showcasing products or services appealingly.
  • Includes images, detailed descriptions, pricing, and any special offers.
  • Suitable for businesses in Kuwait aiming to impress potential clients with visually appealing quotes, especially in industries like retail or e-commerce.

By offering these diverse templates, Refrens caters to the varied needs of businesses in Kuwait, ensuring that quotations align with Kuwaiti business culture. Whether it's formal business transactions, detailed product or service descriptions, or visually appealing presentations, Refrens provides a template that suits the specific requirements of businesses operating in Kuwait.

You can also use our other templates like invoice templates, proforma invoice templates, purchase order templates, estimate templates and also invoice templates in Excel, tally invoice templates, Blank Invoice Templates, printable invoice templates, tax invoice templates.

Professionals who can use Refrens quotation templates for their business

Refrens' versatile quotation template caters to a wide array of professions, making it an invaluable tool for various businesses and service providers. Here's how different professionals can benefit from using Refrens' quotations for free:


Freelancers across diverse fields, such as writers, designers, developers, and consultants, can utilize Refrens to create professional quotations for their clients. The platform allows freelancers to present their services in a structured and visually appealing manner, enhancing their credibility.

Small Business Owners

Small business owners, whether operating in retail, services, or consulting, can use Refrens to generate detailed and customized quotations. This is especially beneficial for businesses involved in sales, marketing, IT services, and more. By creating professional quotes, small businesses can make a significant impact on potential clients and increase their chances of securing contracts.

Creative Professionals

Creative professionals such as artists, photographers, graphic designers, and content creators can showcase their work and pricing creatively through Refrens' quotation templates. This platform allows them to highlight their portfolio effectively and attractively present their creative services.


Consultants from various fields, including management, finance, legal, and marketing, can use Refrens to outline their services clearly. By creating detailed quotations, consultants can communicate their expertise, services, and associated costs, fostering transparency and trust with their clients.

IT Professionals

IT professionals, including software developers, web designers, and digital marketers, can use Refrens to create quotations that delineate the specifics of their services. This is especially valuable for IT projects, where clear communication of services, costs, and timelines is crucial.

Service Providers

Service-oriented businesses, such as cleaning services, repair services, catering companies, and event planners, can leverage Refrens to provide clients with detailed quotations. By presenting their offerings clearly, service providers can demonstrate professionalism and reliability.

Sales Professionals

Sales professionals in various industries can utilize Refrens to create sales quotations. These quotations can be tailored to showcase products, services, pricing, and terms, enabling sales teams to make compelling offers to potential clients and close deals effectively.

Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies and professionals can use Refrens to present their marketing strategies, campaign details, and associated costs professionally. The platform allows them to create visually appealing quotations, showcasing their expertise and creativity to potential clients.

Easy to customize quotation templates

Using Refrens quotation format, you can easily start creating the quotation using the above blank sample. Add all the essential elements in the quotation as mentioned above. If you want to add any additional information then you can easily use our custom column feature which helps you to add extra columns anywhere on the quotation.

Once the quotation is created, you can select a quotation template as per your need and can also change the color of your quotation. If you want a more professional-looking quotation then don't forget to add your company letterhead at the top of the quotation.

Once the template is customized, you can send the quotation directly to your potential client using Refrens emailing system. The advantage of using the mail here is you can track your quotation and can check whether the client has opened your quotation or not, same you can also schedule your quotation for a future date.

You can create quotations for clients, there are no restrictions for creating or adding the client. manage all your quotations, and invoices, and can use , and other documents in one place.

Customizing quotation templates with Refrens is a straightforward process, providing users with the flexibility to create professional and tailored quotations. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to customize quotation templates:

Start with Blank Sample:

  • Utilize Refrens' quotation format, starting with a blank sample. This provides a foundation to add essential elements to your quotation.

Add Essential Elements:

  • Include all necessary details in the quotation, following the guidelines mentioned earlier. This involves inputting information about products or services, pricing, terms and conditions, and other relevant details.

Custom Column Feature:

  • Refrens offers a custom column feature, allowing users to add extra columns anywhere on the quotation. This is beneficial for incorporating additional information that may be specific to your business or the client's requirements.

Select Quotation Template:

  • Once the content is added, users can choose a quotation template that suits their preferences. Refrens provides a variety of professionally designed templates that users can select based on the nature of their business.

Change Template Color:

  • Customize the look of your quotation by changing the template color. This adds a personalized touch and allows users to align the quotation with their branding or visual preferences.

Add Company Letterhead:

  • For a more professional appearance, users can add their company letterhead at the top of the quotation. This enhances the branding and reinforces the professionalism of the document.

Send Quotation Directly:

  • Refrens simplifies the process of sending quotations by allowing users to send them directly to potential clients using the platform's emailing system. This ensures efficient communication and tracking capabilities.

Track Quotation Status:

  • The advantage of using Refrens' email system is the ability to track the quotation. Users can monitor whether the client has opened the quotation or not. Additionally, it offers the option to schedule quotations for a future date, providing flexibility in communication.

Manage All Documents in One Place:

  • Refrens acts as a centralized hub for managing all business documents, including quotations, invoices, and proforma invoice templates. There are no restrictions on creating or adding clients, allowing for efficient document management.

By following these steps, users can easily customize quotation templates using Refrens, ensuring a professional and tailored approach to creating and sending quotations to clients. The platform's features contribute to a streamlined process, enhanced communication, and efficient document management for businesses.

Countries Supported

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