
8 Reasons Why Having a Refrens Profile is Better than Having a Website

For any business of any size or sector, it is important to have an online presence. And the popular way is having a website. But what most people forget is, a website is just the first step. 

To get more leads, your website needs to rank higher on Google. And for that, you need to frequently update your website, and also continuously work on content & technical optimization.

Add to that the cost of security, maintenance, and the time required to do all that. Before you realize it, you would be spending more time and resources managing your website than managing your actual business. 

But it doesn’t need to be this hard, costly, or time-consuming! And that’s why we have created Refrens Profiles.

A Refrens profile is just like your website, but significantly better. It gives you more visibility, better functionality, and easy accessibility at zero cost! 

If you are new to Refrens, take a look at Prometteur Solutions, a software agency from Pune that has replaced its website with a Refrens Profile. 

Why did Prometteur and thousands of others do so? Here are the top 8 reasons:

1. Get More Visibility 

Creating a website is just the first step. You also need to make sure that-

  1. Your website shows up at the top of Google searches while your clients are looking for the products or services you offer,
  2. Also if you don’t keep updating your website content, it will affect your search rankings, as Google penalizes websites with outdated content. 
  3. You also need to work on optimizing your website so that it can load faster.

In the case of a Refrens Profile, you don’t have to worry about all that. Refrens will do the hard work of content and technical optimization of your profile to ensure that it is optimized for the right keywords, loads faster, and as a result; ranks higher on Google search results. Also, we will periodically send you auto-prompts to keep your profile updated so that it doesn’t get penalized in search rankings due to outdated content.

2. Expand your Business Network

Refrens is a community of 140K+ freelancers, agencies, and small businesses. Having a Refrens profile enables you to be a part of this large and growing network of business professionals. 

It also allows you to stay in touch with your existing clients, update them about your new products or services, automatically collect testimonials, attract potential clients by sharing your work portfolio, and build enriching business relationships.

3. Domain Customization

Want your Refrens profile to seem like your business website? You can do that easily by linking your Refrens profile to your business domain.

4. In-Built Lead Management System

With a Refrens profile, you can get access to our full-fledged Lead Management System. What does this mean? 

Well, every time a potential client contacts you through your Refrens profile, a lead will automatically be created on your Refrens LMS. It will capture all the details like- Name of the lead, their email address, contact number, and also what they are looking for. Now you can say goodbye to manual entries into excel sheets

Most importantly, you can do end-to-end lead management on Refrens by keeping track of all your leads, communicating with them over email or WhatsApp, assigning leads to different sales team members, creating multiple sales pipelines, and creating & sending quotations with a single click! Talk about efficiency!

5. Clutter-Free Experience

This is a very common problem with many websites. If there are too many things going on on your website, it would get confusing to navigate around for your potential customers. That means you will end up losing essential leads for your business. 

A Refrens profile helps you sort your priorities. It enables you to share the most necessary information with your customers without confusing them. On a single page, your customers can access all the information they would need to make a purchase decision.

The projects you worked on, services you offer, clients you’ve worked with, your testimonials, links to your social sites, and even your Behance/Dribbble/Medium/Github and other portfolios, your contact information – everything in a single page of your Refrens profile!

6. Less Dependency, More Control

Building a website or even getting it built by someone else requires some technical understanding on your end. Also once it’s built, you will have to be dependent on the person who created it whenever you want to make any changes or updates.

This requires a lot of time (sometimes weeks) and the headache of going back and forth with them. In the worst-case scenario, you might end up spending more time on making the website right than focusing on managing your actual business. 

However, creating and updating your Refrens profile doesn’t require any technical knowledge at all. It is as easy as updating your Facebook or Linkedin profile, takes a few minutes to get started, and doesn’t require you to be dependent on anyone. Also, we will periodically send you auto-prompts to keep your profile updated so that it doesn’t get penalized in search rankings due to outdated content.

7. Less Time investment, Zero Cost

Even the most basic websites will take a couple of weeks to build. Also, if you are not building it on your own, you would need to spend time finding the right person or company to build it for you. Add to that the time of coordination and back-and-forth required with this person/company.

Compare this to creating a Refrens profile which takes only a few minutes to get started, and a couple of hours max to make the best profile.

Also, you don’t need to spend a single dime to create or maintain your Refrens profile, unlike websites which come with different costs like- domain name cost, development cost, maintenance cost, security updation cost, and so on. 

Also Read: Cost of developing a WordPress website

8. More Security

Security is an often overlooked aspect of any business website. Most businesses will only realize the importance of security after it’s too late. Many people think that they can’t get hacked because their site is too small. But that’s not the case. Even something as simple as renewing your security certificate can invite penalties from Google.

With a Refrens Profile, you can rest assured as Refrens will ensure that all your data is secured with the latest industry-standard security updates.

Create a Refrens Profile and gain 15x more efficiency in your business >
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