Create High Converting Lead Capture Forms In Minutes

Full Customisation.

No technical knowledge required.

In-built Sales CRM integration.

Lead Capture Forms
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1000s of sites have automated lead capture with Refrens Forms

Capture, Connect, and Convert

Capture leads from every corner of web, engage via email/WhatsApp, and boost conversions with intelligent reminders & tracking.
Refrens Lead Capture Forms
Capture & convert more leads faster in 3 steps
Create and Customize Forms
Create & CustomizeCreate a lead capture form with different field types such as radio button, dropdown menu, checkboxes, boolean, email, currency, etc. Decide which fields to keep mandatory or hidden. No technical knowledge required.
Easy to embed form on the website
Embed & ShareEmbed the form on your site, trigger it with a button, or share a unique link across your social platforms & ad campaigns.
Get instant notification when the form is filled
Connect & ConvertGet notified when a new lead is received, Instantly connect with them via email with pre-filled templates or send a WhatsApp in a couple of clicks, Convert leads faster with comprehensive tracking & automated follow-up reminders.
Rated ⭐ 4.8/5 based on 11700+ Ratings

Happy Customers

Aniket - Refrens Invoice Software User
Refrens has made lead capture a breeze! The built-in CRM integration is revolutionary. No more platform hopping!
AniketOwner, Spaceplexx, Coworking Space
The hidden fields feature is brilliant! I can get a better context of customers' requirements without them having to spell it out.
RubitaFreelance Developer
Responding to inquiries directly from Refrens, be it via email or WhatsApp, has made our workflow smooth. The pre-filled email templates are a time-saver!
AnjaniFounder, Brown Mocha
Refrens has taken the stress out of follow-ups. The automated reminders ensure we're always on top of our game.
LinkeeFreelancer, Content Writer
Refrens Forms has transformed the way we manage inquiries. The ability to embed forms and share them across our social media is incredibly efficient.
Shivansh TulsyanCEO, Binny Textiles

More Than Just a Lead Capture Form

Don’t just capture leads. Engage, Nurture, and Convert Them.
Manage Forms Across Multiple Pipelines
Different Pipelines For Different Leads
Manage leads more efficiently with separate pipelines for different products, services, and geographies.
Centralized Communication - Lead Management Software
Centralised Communication
Respond to inquiries directly from Refrens over email or WhatsApp. Emails come with pre-filled templates to help you respond quickly.
Easy to followup with in built CRM
Follow-Up Faster Than Your Competition
Our automated follow-up reminders will ensure you always stay ahead of the curve. Never miss an important opportunity.
Hidden Fields in Form
Every Submission Captures Their Interest
If you have multiple products or services on your website, you can create lead capture forms with auto-filled hidden fields for each. This way you will know which product or service they are interested in - without even having to ask!
Capture IndiaMart Leads Into Refrens Automatically
Connect your account with IndiaMart to automatically capture all your leads data into Refrens. Manage leads, get detailed sale reports, send email & Whatspp messages, create quotations & invoices, and more. - all in just a few clicks!

The smartest investors in the room are backing our vision.

People who understand money, match-making and all things Internet.
Vijay Shekhar SharmaFounder, Paytm
Anupam Mittal
Anupam MittalFounder,
Kunal Shah founder of CRED
Kunal ShahFounder, CRED
Founders of AngelList, DailyNinja,, Park+ and many more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a lead capture form?

A lead capture form, often referred to as a "lead form" or "lead gen form," is a digital tool used by businesses and marketers to collect information from potential customers or leads. These forms are typically embedded on websites, landing pages, or shared across social media platforms and digital campaigns.

The primary purpose of a lead capture form is to gather details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant information from individuals interested in a product or service. This information then allows businesses to engage, nurture, and potentially convert these leads into paying customers.

What are the benefits of lead capture forms?

Lead capture forms offer several advantages:

  • Data Collection: Gather valuable information about potential customers.
  • Segmentation: Classify leads based on the information provided, allowing for targeted marketing efforts.
  • Increased Engagement: Engage interested individuals and nurture them through the sales funnel.
  • Automation: Automate the lead collection process, saving time and ensuring no lead goes unnoticed.
  • Feedback: Gain insights into what potential customers are looking for or any queries they might have.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: By capturing interested leads, businesses can focus their efforts on a more targeted audience, leading to better conversion rates.
Will my data be secure?

We take utmost care of data security & privacy. Our systems are frequently updated with the latest security updates to ensure that your data is safe and secure. Do check out our detailed privacy policy here.

Do you provide customer support?

Yes, we provide instant & reliable support over chat, email, and phone. We will also provide a dedicated account manager to help you out whenever required.

How Do You Make A Lead Capture Form?

Creating a lead capture form involves the following steps:

  1. Define Your Objective

Understand the purpose of your form. Are you looking to sign up users for a newsletter, offer a free trial, or gather feedback?

  1. Choose a Platform

Utilize form builder tools or platforms like Refrens, which offer customizable templates and seamless CRM integration.

  1. Design Your Form

A) Field Selection: Decide on the fields you want to include, such as name, email, phone number, etc.

B) Field Types: Use text boxes, dropdown menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc., based on the information you want to collect.

C) Customization: Tailor the design to match your brand's aesthetics, including colors, fonts, and logos.

  1. Optimize for User Experience

Ensure your form is concise, mobile-responsive, and has a clear call to action.

  1. Embed or Share

Integrate the form on your website, and landing pages, or share the link across social media and digital campaigns.

  1. Test

Before going live, test the form to ensure all functionalities work as intended and that the data is being correctly captured.

What Should I Ask In A Lead Capture Form?

The questions you include in a lead capture form should align with your business objectives and the information you deem essential for lead nurturing. Common fields include:

A) Basic Information

Name, Email, Phone Number.

B) Company Details

Company Name, Job Title, Industry.

C) Preferences

Product interests, preferred contact method.

D) Feedback or Queries

Open the text field for specific questions or comments.

E) Opt-ins

Newsletter sign-ups, event registrations, or other offers.

Remember, while it's tempting to gather as much information as possible, it's essential to keep the form concise to ensure a higher completion rate. Only ask for information that's crucial for your immediate goals.

What Are The Benefits of Lead Capture Forms?

Lead capture forms offer several advantages:

1) Data Collection

Gather valuable information about potential customers.

2) Segmentation

Classify leads based on the information provided, allowing for targeted marketing efforts.

3) Increased Engagement

Engage interested individuals and nurture them through the sales funnel.

4) Automation

Automate the lead collection process, saving time and ensuring no lead goes unnoticed.

5) Feedback

Gain insights into what potential customers are looking for or any queries they might have.

6) Higher Conversion Rates

By capturing interested leads, businesses can focus their efforts on a more targeted audience, leading to better conversion rates.

What Are The Types Of Lead Capture Form?

Lead capture can be categorized into various types based on the method and intent:

1) Web Forms

Embedded on websites or landing pages, these are the most common types of lead capture tools.

2) Pop-up Forms

These appear as overlays on a webpage, often triggered by specific user actions or after a set time.

3) Floating Bars

A less intrusive form that usually appears at the top or bottom of a webpage and remains visible as users scroll.

4) Exit-Intent Pop-ups

Triggered when a user is about to leave a page, aiming to capture their information before they exit.

5) Gated Content

Offers valuable content (like eBooks or webinars) in exchange for lead information.

6) Contests and Giveaway

Engage users by offering something of value in return for their details.

7) Chatbots

Automated tools that engage users in conversation and gather information.

8) QR Codes

Scannable codes that, when used, can direct users to a lead capture form.

Each type has its own set of advantages and is suited for different scenarios and audiences. It's essential to choose the method that aligns best with your business goals and target audience.

Lead Capture Rates

What is a lead capture rate?

Lead capture rate, often referred to as the conversion rate in the context of lead generation, is a metric that measures the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts. It represents the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as filling out a lead capture form, signing up for a newsletter, or registering for a webinar, relative to the total number of visitors.

The formula to calculate the lead capture rate is:

Lead Capture Rate = (Number of Leads Captured / Total Number of Visitors) × 100

For instance, if you had 1,000 visitors to your landing page and 50 of them filled out your lead capture form, your lead capture rate would be 5%.

What is a good lead capture rate?

A "good" lead capture rate can vary widely based on the industry, the nature of the offer, the quality of the traffic, and the design and positioning of the lead capture form. However, as a general benchmark:

Landing Pages

The average conversion rate for landing pages across industries is around 2.35%. However, the top 25% of companies are converting at 5.31% or higher, and the top 10% are seeing rates of 11.45% or higher.


For e-commerce sites where the action might be a purchase rather than a form fill, the average conversion rate hovers around 1% to 3%.

Content Downloads (e.g., eBooks, whitepapers)

These often have higher conversion rates, sometimes ranging from 10% to 20%, since they offer tangible value in exchange for contact information.


Registration for webinars can also see higher conversion rates, often between 20% to 40%, depending on the topic's appeal and the audience.

Pop-up Forms

These can have varied conversion rates, with the average being around 3%. Well-designed and timely pop-ups can sometimes achieve rates of up to 9% or more.

It's essential to note that while these benchmarks provide a general guideline, the most crucial metric is your historical data. Continuously testing and optimizing your lead capture strategies based on your data will help improve your rates over time.