Paraphrasing tools

Top Paraphrasing Tools for Freelance Writers to Increase Their Productivity

Freelancing has emerged as a dynamic and flexible professional domain with no restrictions. Experts in any digital field, specifically writers, prefer working as freelancers instead of dedicating themselves to enterprises and other businesses. Freelancing also gave them the opportunity to grow their personal brand and value in the niche. 

However, working solely without assistance and human aid isn’t simple for a writer. They have to manage all tasks all alone, from negotiating and closing deals with clients to monitoring their progress, evaluating their work, and, most of all, improving their productivity. Being a stand-alone writer and multitasking for every project might be challenging and delay your progress. 

Although, being a freelancer, they can’t afford delays in the projects and decreases in their working efficiency. That’s where they need external help (not human, though). Paraphrasers are advanced tools that accelerate the rewriting process and let the writers submit their tasks on time. 

If you are also a freelancer and finding ways to enhance your productivity with automated tools, you have landed on the right page. Here, you will learn about the top 5 paraphrasing tools for freelance writers to increase their productivity.        

The offers an AI-based paraphrasing tool to instantly rewrite any form of text. It is a beneficial aid for freelancers who have to spend several hours trying to revitalize their content and present it from a unique perspective. Instead of brainstorming alternative vocabulary and sentence appearance, just place your text within the paraphrase tool.

It will process your text, deeply analyze the context, and present it distinctly. The paraphraser does this by replacing common words with more influential synonyms and rearranging your sentences in a more meaningful way. This also removes the chances of accidental plagiarism and unknowingly replicating other words. 

Therefore, freelancers can avail themselves of the best of both worlds, i.e., making their writing unique and spending less time. Moreover, the paraphraser also offers several necessary options to ease the paraphrasing for them. For instance, it allows cross-format support; freelance writers can upload their documents in any format without any hurdles. Other key features of the paraphrasing tool include

Key Features

Multilingual Support

The paraphraser keeps no language barrier by offering paraphrasing in multiple languages. No matter whether freelancers have to create content in Español, Português, or Deutsche, they just need to choose the desired language. 

Free Paraphrasing

The paraphrase tool does not impose any restrictions on users’ usage. It allows everyone to paraphrase online as often as they want without cost.

24/7 Accessibility

Just like freelance writers don’t follow the 9-5 timetable and work any time of the day. The paraphrasing tool is also accessible 24/7. Hence, you can easily access this utility anytime from any corner of the world.

Multiple Paraphrasing Modes

The tool caters to the distinct writing needs of every freelance writer and offers multiple paraphrasing modes. For instance, You can choose from following options and customize the rewriting results.

  • Word Changer
  • Ultra Spin
  • Smart Spin
  • Replace Manually 

Pricing Plans

It’s a completely free-to-use tool with no payment options.

Another AI-powered option for freelance writers is the Paraphrase tool by This swift and efficient tool assists writers in paraphrasing text in an engaging and refined tone. The best thing about this paraphrasing tool is that it maintains the original meaning and readability structure of a given text. 

As soon as you enter your text in the input section, it begins semantic and contextual analysis to rearrange it in a clearer and more concise way. The paraphraser is incorporated with smart thesauruses that replace the word with the most relevant and meaningful synonyms. As a result, your paraphrased version has a more engaging structure and better explains it in simpler terms. 

With the aid of this paraphrase tool, you can customize the paraphrased result as it suggests multiple options for a single word. By hovering your mouse over any word, you can view alternative words and choose any synonyms that seem better to you. Moreover, it takes special care to avoid plagiarism and maintain the originality of content.

Key Features

Files Format

It supports all file formats; freelancers aren’t restricted to uploading their files in a specific format. Instead, they can import their documents created in any file format, including .txt, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, and .tex.

AI Integration

The digital world is revolutionizing with artificial intelligence (AI), and paraphrasing tools benefit freelancers with AI-based rewriting. AI integration ensures that readability, sentence structure, context, and text clarity are all preserved during text modification.

Light/Dark Mode

Working constantly on screens, freelance writers aren’t interested in light screen modes. Hence, the paraphrase tool offers a dark mode as well to ease their work and allow them to focus on their productivity.

Cloud Platform Compatibility

Freelancers usually create documents on cloud storage platforms so they can access them on multiple devices. The paraphraser allows compatibility with cloud devices so they can upload their documents and paraphrases in real-time.

Pricing Plans

The offers flexible premium plans that can be customized per the freelance writer’s needs. It includes the following plans. 

  • Basic: $15/Month
  • Business: $20/ Month
  • Enterprise: $50/Month
  • Corporate: $120/3 Months
  • Exclusive: $150/6 Months provides a proficient and highly credible paraphrasing too. It smartly rephrases the text by altering specific words with better synonyms and rearranging sentence structure. It is incorporated with cutting-edge NLP technology to deliver human-level paraphrasing results. 

The paraphrase tool accurately modifies the sentences with a new appearance and vocabulary without bringing changes to the original meaning. The freelancers can leverage this paraphraser by rewriting any type of text from any niche. 

With its 2 different rewriting modes, you can decide whether you want to paraphrase in a “Simple” way or in “AI Mode.” Furthermore, freelancers can rewrite content in their local or foreign language with the multilingual option. No sign-up or login is required; simply paste it into your text and start paraphrasing without wasting a second. 

Key Features

No sign-up Required

Freelance writers are already short on time and don’t have to waste time creating credentials or remembering them. They can quickly access the tool and begin paraphrasing their tasks. 

Swift and Flawless Results 

This tool works with lightning speed, providing super-fast paraphrased text. However, the high speed doesn’t mean you have to compromise on accuracy. With quick processing, the results are flawless. 

Cross-platform Compatibility

Writers using different systems, browsers, and devices shouldn’t be worried about compatibility. The paraphraser is compatible with every digital platform. 

Human-Like Results 

The NLP algorithms ensure paraphrasing is done at a human level, delivering human-readable and understandable results. 

Pricing Plans

  • Weekly: $4.99/week
  • Monthly: $15/month
  • Semi-Annual: $16.66/month
    $100 billed every 6 months
  • Annual: $11.25/month
    $135 billed every 12 months

An advanced paraphrase tool with all necessary rewriting features can be found on Rewrite Guru’s platform. This tool is carefully designed, integrating smart machine learning and AI patterns to comprehend the written text just like humans. 

It can paraphrase any text from paragraphs, sentences, articles, blogs, or marketing copies. The paraphrasing tool offered by is a blessing for freelance writers, students, and even professional content creators. Using this tool, they can easily recreate any type of text within only a few moments. They should give it a try and paraphrase their writing to make it more engaging and precise. 

Moreover, innovative vocabulary works to make your sentences unique and compelling by replacing ordinary words with better alternatives. However, the main idea of the original text doesn’t drift away. 

Key Features

5 Efficient Paraphrasing Modes

  • Creative Spin: This mode is to achieve medium-level paraphrasing without bringing considerable changes.
  • Turbo Spin: For maximum text modification, this mode offers maximum word replacement and sentence modification.
  • DIY Mode: No automatic synonymization took place to give the writers full control of their paraphrased text. Instead, the user was provided with several suggestions and had to choose according to their preference.
  • AI Rewriter: A complete AI focuses paraphrasing mode that maintains maximum contextual relativity to the original text.
  • Sentence Rephraser: Our sentence rephraser online rephrases the sentences with suitable replacements that uplift their readability and engagement. The final sentence generated by this AI sentence changer has a strong vocabulary that emphasizes the contextual meaning of the text.

Improves Writing Flow

The paraphrase tool improves the readability and flow of writing by replacing complex and redundant words with simpler yet more meaningful ones.

Pricing Plans

  • Weekly Plan: $7.55
  • Monthly Plan: $14.98
  • Quarterly Plan: $40.98
  • Annual Plan: $159.98

The last one on our list is, which has innovative paraphrasing algorithms. Writers who usually work on similar niche content and end up in accidental and self-plagiarism should get help from it. 

The paraphraser tool is specifically designed to eradicate duplication in written text. No matter whether you have unintentionally plagiarized your work or failed to bring variation to it, it infuses diversity and uniqueness. By giving your sentences a new structure and word different synonyms, it completely modifies their appearance, making them unique. 

In 3 quick steps and without getting involved in any intricate process, you can have your paraphrased text. Just submit your content, choose the paraphrasing mode, and Ta-Da, there you go.

Key Features

An all-in-one paraphraser

The paraphraser is an all-in-one writing solution for freelance writers. It is user-friendly and has no limitations, subscriptions, or intricacies. With powerful and efficient paraphrasing results, customer suggestions and selection modes should be added to your must-have tools.

Custom Vocabulary Suggestions

The paraphrasing tool allows the writer to alter the synonyms according to their preference. Therefore, you can assign any suitable word as per your choice. 

Enhanced Text Clarity

Paraphrasing manually may result in ambiguous word choices and incorrect grammar. However, the paraphrase tool and NLP algorithms analyze these and replace them with appropriate words to make them clearer and more concise.

Pricing Plans

You will be amazed to know that this incredibly smart AI paraphraser is available for free. It offers no hidden subscriptions or limitations, so you can access it freely without spending a buck.


Freelancers are always piled up due to having multiple tasks and dealing with them single-handedly. Therefore, they sometimes require outside help and automation that can lessen their burden and liberate extra time spent. Freelance writers can get help from paraphrasing tools to instantly wind up their rewriting process. These tools are integrated with AI technology that rephrases the given text in a unique and better readable way. Furthermore, another advantage of paraphrased tools is that they help eliminate unintentional plagiarism. Using any of the abovementioned tools, you can also improve the productivity of your work and submit your tasks before deadlines.