How to Write Content That Gets Leads & Sign-Ups for SaaS Companies?

How to Write Content That Gets Leads & Sign-Ups for SaaS Companies?

With so much information present online, potential customers looking for SaaS products or services don’t have the time to read every post they come across. 

If you want to generate leads and get more signups for SaaS companies, you need to be an expert in SaaS writing. 

We suggest you read this article if you know little about writing content customized to maximize SaaS campaigns. This guide will discuss writing content to get maximum leads and increase signup rates. 

Following our SaaS writing tips, you can easily create compelling content to persuade customers to sign up and pay for the service or product. 

If you offer a SaaS product, you would know it is difficult to convince the target audience to sign up and pay for any digital service because of so much competition. 

However, this blog article will discuss strategies and tips that would help you increase signups and sales. 

How to Write the Best SaaS Content | Expert Tips & Strategies

In this section, we will focus on the steps that would help you write SaaS content that can help you generate more leads and get more customers quickly. 

1. Create a Proper Outline & Structure

When writing content for promoting or selling out SaaS products, you need to make sure that you follow a proper outline. 

Today, users visiting the web are not interested in reading large chunks of unarranged text, no matter how informative it is. You need to divide your content into different headings. In addition to this, you need to focus on the following rules:

  • You must make sure that every passage in your content is informative. You must never add fluff (unnecessary information) to your content as it will damage the quality.
  • Every passage should not be more than three to five lines. You can choose different paragraph lengths to make your content more appealing.
  • You must always try to add short sentences in every passage as they are more digestible and engaging for the readers. 
  • You need to make sure you break sentences with more than two commas. 

You can also follow editorial guidelines when writing SaaS-friendly content. You can find many interactive templates online. 

2. Use Headlines that Would Entice Readers

Without headlines, you are not going to engage any readers. You would be surprised to know that eight out of ten people would only read content if they find headlines interesting. According to Jason Wise, editor of Earthweb, “on average more than 7.5 million blog posts are published every day, so if you want to stand out, your content needs to be original, offer something unique, and of the highest standard. 

So, you must add catchy headlines to engage the audience, generate more leads, and get more signups. 

Today, dozens of headline generator tools provide different headline ideas for your SaaS content. Multiple headings and subheadings can make your text more digestible and engaging and win you one of the top positions in search results. 

3. Write a Compelling Introduction Passage

When writing SaaS content, you need to start with a powerful introduction. According to experts, your introductory passage/s should not exceed 170-200 words. 

Prolonging or dragging the introduction would piss off the reader, which is why it is important to keep a crispy approach.

In the introduction, you have to explain the topic briefly and point out what problem you will discuss in the content body. 

You also need to highlight how reading your article and getting a SaaS product would solve the problem readers face.  If you’re writing about SaaS spend management software that helps manage SaaS expenses, make sure you correctly highlight the problem it solves.

You can also add a personal story or case study to introduce the topic. Stories can persuade a reader to go through the entire article, so if you have some stories up your sleeves, it is best to use them in the intro.

4. Use Images, Videos, and other Visual Content

If you want to increase leads and signups, your goal shall be to get maximum engagement. By using visuals, you can make your content more engaging and interactive. 

Experts recommend that you add visuals after every 300-400 words. This would not only keep the reader engaged but would also break up large chunks of text. 

An important thing you need to note is that images or visuals you add must not be duplicated or added from stock pages on the web. 

You need to add original images or screenshots, as these would make your content more valuable. Today, you can access AI image creator tools to help you generate unique visuals for your SaaS blog article.

5. Always Focus on Creating Long-Form Content. 

It is obvious that if you want to get more leads and signups, you need to attract a larger audience; for that, you need to win one of the top places in the search results. 

You must know that you can easily get on top SERPs by creating high-quality, long-form content. 

Today, more than 75% of blog posts ranking on the top searches are the ones that have long-form content containing over 1500 to 2500 words. So whenever you are writing content for a SaaS product or a company, you need to ensure it is long. 

Long-form content can help you get more SaaS backlinks and shares and can help you cover more information. 

An important point you need to note is that while writing long-form content, you must ensure that it doesn’t contain fluff or redundant information. You need to back up the article’s length with proper research material.

6. Focus on Satisfying the Search Intent of Audience

In SaaS writing, you must remember who you are writing for and the problems they are dealing with. The content you write must be on the topics relevant to the search interest of your audience. You must pick the right topics, use the right examples, and ensure that your present information, ideas, or solutions can resolve the reader’s problems. 

You can use tools like Google Trends or analyze Google’s autocomplete search feature to find the topics being searched by your audience. You can also find the right keywords by using this technique. Adding the right SaaS keywords would help you capture maximum traffic.

7. Use Case Studies & Backup Information with Sources

The best SaaS content is the one that entices the reader to take action. You need to ensure that every idea or piece of information you present comes from a credible source. You can also use screenshots, chats, and diagrams when illustrating a certain point. 

You must add case studies to your content and support your ideas with relevant sources. You can only convince the audience to sign up if you present them with reliable data. 

An important point to note is that you must never include general stats or case studies just for the sake of increasing content length. Every case study or information you present must be relevant to the topic in question.

8. Address the Pain Points of Customers 

While writing content for SaaS companies, you need to ensure you get insights from their customers. By listening to support calls or directly talking to the sales team, you can find out what your target audience wants. 

Once you understand their needs or pain points, you can easily address them in your writing. This would take the engagement rate of your content to the skies and increase leads and signup rates by more than 60%.

9. Update Your Content Regularly 

According to the famous search engine journal, the freshness of content plays an important role in its ranking position. New content is being published on the web every minute, so if you want to stay relevant and keep your content on the top searches, you need to update it occasionally. 

While updating your SaaS content, you can add new information not presented before, change images, modify the structure, and even explain the complete article with a fresh perspective. 

When repurposing your old content, you must ensure that your new draft doesn’t have many similarities with the previous one, or you can be accused of plagiarism. 

An easy way to avoid this problem is by using a paraphrase tool online. The latest AI-powered paraphraser tools use advanced technologies such as natural language processing and machine learning models to rewrite existing content in different words. Use such tools or WordPress LMS plugin that will boost your learning process.

All you have to do is upload your old article in the input box of the tool, select your desired mode, and hit “Paraphrase now”. 

The tool would review the original text and understand the original ideas and information you presented. Those ideas and information would be paraphrased in different words. 

The biggest benefit of using an online paraphraser is not that it streamlines the content updating process; the paraphrasing tool also fixes readability issues, enhances fluency and delivery, and ensures that the new content is free of plagiarism!

10. Focus on the Quality of Content rather than Quantity 

Indeed, long-form content works best for SaaS companies, but you must never compromise on quality while determining the word count. 

Your drafts should be free of human errors and readability issues, or else you will not be able to win the readers’ trust and will not get many leads. 

Today, you can easily ensure the quality of your work by using an online grammar checker and AI proofreading tools. These tools can easily scan your text and find errors in it.

Not only this, but these tools can also fix mistakes and enhance the overall quality of your content, which is very important in SaaS writing. 

Different Types of SaaS Content You Can Write for More Leads

Here, we have mentioned some common types of content you can produce when striving for more leads and signups.

  • Statistics Post: This is the type of listicle post in which you gather information about a topic, product, or service and present it before your readers while backing up with proper sources. 
  • Reports: You can write content based on your original research work in report writing. You can research and generate reports on products, services, and even whole companies. 
  • Funnel Posts: These are posts that contain keywords with high search volume. These kinds of posts might get low conversion but have the potential to rank on the top SERPs and get maximum traffic.
  • Pain Point Posts: These are the posts in which you address the pain points of potential customers who want to sign up with you.
  • Checklist Posts: These posts provide readers with steps they need to follow to accomplish a certain task or solve a problem they might be facing, such as this post in which we have mentioned the steps for creating content that gets the most leads.
  • Comparison Articles: Comparison articles are more like a variation of review articles in which you compare different SaaS companies or their products and services. 
  • Case Studies: Finally, you can also write case studies. Creating a case study article is expensive, but know that they can get you maximum leads and conversions.

Summing Up

SaaS writing is the creation of content for SaaS companies. This time of content aims to build brand awareness for those companies and generate leads. 

This type of content contains information about the company or its offerings, provides solutions, and majorly satisfies the search intent of a potential customer. 

Creating content that gets you maximum leads and signups is difficult. In this guide, we have explained in detail some of the best tips and strategies you need to follow to create the best content. 

From following a proper outline to paraphrasing your old articles regularly, you can easily provide value to readers.

Today, you don’t have to stress much about writing SaaS content for any company as you can access many online tools such as Chat GPT, AI paraphraser, grammar checker, art generator, and many others that can help you optimize your content and create the best possible drafts!