
How To Handle The Feast And Famine Cycle As A Freelancer?

Whether you’re a freelancer or considering a freelancer career, the feast and famine cycle can be a regular part of the job.  The feast and famine cycle is an up-and-down roller coaster where you’re joyful and “feasting” at times, and hungry and needing labor at other times. It’s normal to have a few slow months …

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How To Be A Successful Freelancer In Any Field?

Freelancing has long been popular, but the COVID-19 pandemic has put it to the forefront.  Freelancing has become the answer for many as the workforce becomes more remote across industries. In 2020, the independent workforce generated $1.2 trillion in revenue, with one in every three Americans working as successful freelancers. A growing number of these …

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10 Strategic Roles Of A Freelancer

Freelancers aren’t simply creative people who work in whichever field they choose. They aren’t only independent designers, programmers, authors, and bloggers; They’re entrepreneurs. When you own a business, you’re effectively a one-man show, and you’re responsible for everything that falls under the operations that keeps the show running. They handle everything from financing to marketing …

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How freelancers Should Find Clients: Killing Funnels?

Getting quality clients is one of the most difficult aspects of freelancing. Whether you’re just starting out as a freelancer or looking to expand your current customer base.  It can feel like you’re spending more time seeking clients than really working as a freelancer on some days. You owe it to yourself to put your …

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Why Do Millennials Choose Freelancing As A Career?

Freelancing has become a popular job option for many people in recent years. Instead of working for one company on a regular basis, freelancers provide their services to many clients at once.  Writing, designing, marketing, and social media are some of the popular professions to start freelancing.  Introduction To Freelance Work  A freelancer is a …

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Highest Paying Freelance Skills For 2023

Freelance skills are high in demand. Due to this, employees are under pressure to match the growth of these high-paying skills. Digital transformation is redefining how we do business. Employees and freelancers get affected by these rapid technological advances.  They aim to stay ahead of the curve, finding ways to study and gain new knowledge, …

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An Introduction To Freelancing & Gig Economy

Are you a night owl by nature? Maybe you like to work late at night and sleep late in the morning. Unfortunately, in traditional 9-to-5 work, it’s not achievable.  For many working professionals, freelancing has become a modern career choice, as they prefer working on their own terms. India is the world’s second-fastest-growing freelancing market, …

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How To Write The Best Freelance Proposal?

To be successful in the field of freelancing, you must create the ideal freelance proposal in order to land the greatest tasks. The freedom to work from home has enticed a large number of people from various fields to make the transition from the boring 9-to-5 to freelancing. The market has undeniably become more competitive, …

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How to Become a Professional Content Writer in India?

Do you enjoy writing? Are you looking at building your career as a professional content writer? You will be then glad to know that content writing is considered an extremely rewarding career nowadays. With the world moving forward into digitalization, content writers are in tremendous demand. This makes content writing an incredibly challenging profession. Nevertheless, …

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10 Essential Elements of a High-Impact Portfolio Website

In today’s digital age, a portfolio website serves as your virtual business card. Whether you’re a freelancer, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, a well-designed portfolio can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility. This blog will guide you through the essential elements that make a portfolio website effective and memorable. What is a Portfolio …

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Freelancer Contract: Important Clauses To Include

Having a written contract with clients is always advantageous for freelancers. A well-crafted contract provides the necessary protection and assurance for both freelancers and clients. By establishing a contract, you can establish trust with clients, set expectations beforehand, and increase satisfaction with project outcomes and client experience. If you are a freelancer without a contract, …

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How To Land A Deal As A Freelancer During Tough Times?

COVID-19 has caused many business owners to re-evaluate their costs and let go of some of the overheads. Detailed reports from top consulting firms are coming about how COVID-19 will impact businesses in the short and long term. Though there are no specific reports on Freelancers, one can draw inferences that freelancers will also bear …

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Why Is It Difficult For New Freelancers To Establish Themselves? And It’s Solution

Starting as a new freelancer is difficult if you have 0 clients. Ideally, you should start working with an established company or another freelancer and then commission some work from them. If you successfully get work from your peers, start working on building relationships with your clients, and then you will get new clients via …

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