Harmeet: Living An Unexpected Life Beautifully With A Stroke Of Luck

Started freelancing in February 2019, Harmeet is content and copywriter. She believes her freelancing journey is a beautiful stroke of luck. She describes herself as a creative, confident, and smiling person. For her, it is always about laying her trust in the process and always being grateful.

As a freelancer, she lays emphasis on personal branding and recommends maintaining consistency on each platform being used by you. She says that you learn with time and that marketing, communication and negotiation are the most essential skills for a freelancer. Along with that, she believes that one should focus on time management and upscaling for growth. 

Considering herself as a blessed person, she is content with where she is and is on the venture to be a better version of herself daily. Her biggest learning is being her own best-friend, and to have self-love. Coming out of her shell and how, she is now a more confident and determined person. We wish her success for the future. 

Read Harmeet’s exciting story:

1. Introduce yourself to us?

Hey, I’m Harmeet Kaur, a freelance content writer, and copywriter. I have always been an introvert and my cute little diary knows all my secrets. I have a super-amazing family- my mom, dad, sister, and brother. Hailing from a middle-class family, I always knew the importance of money and the need to become financially independent. 

Taking tutions in my +1 was the first step for it. In the process, I started loving teaching. However, destiny had some other plans! So here, I am.

2. Why did you choose the field of writing? How did you get introduced to this field? What fascinates you the most about your career choice?

This question just makes me smile like anything because I didn’t choose the field of writing. I feel that this field has chosen me.

Have you heard this, “It might take a year, it might take a day, but what’s meant to be will always find the way?”. 

Just like my destiny found writing, and my writing found Refrens. I have been journaling for 16 years. Still, it never made me ponder that this is my love, my calling. It took me a teaching job to realize this. 

While doing my Master’s, I applied for a teaching job and got selected as a TGT English. On the very first day, out of the blue, my Headmistress ma’am told me to handle the social media account and to write the press releases. It didn’t stop there, writing for my school magazines and freelancing gigs made me leave my teaching job to pursue my passion for writing.

3. Why did you choose to freelance? When did you begin to freelance? Were you planning it, or how did it happen?

I never choose to freelance – it just happened and I am delighted that it has worked out marvelously. Moreover, being an introvert what else do I need!!

I began to freelance in February 2019. No, it was not planned at all. I was not even aware that we can earn by writing. 

I was a TGT English in Ryan International School.  There, my colleague, Ms.Madhumita introduced me to one of her friends who is a digital marketer. It was my first freelance gig and before I could comprehend I was head over heels in love with freelancing.

4. Throw some light on the importance of choosing niches and working on personal branding for freelancers.

As far as choosing niches is concerned, I don’t have a particular niche myself. I write in lifestyle, fantasy sports, artificial intelligence, education, etc. With proper research and time, I think we can write for any domain.

Personal branding – these two words are super-important for any freelancer. I can’t stress enough! Period. 

Start with one platform, observe how it works, start posting relevant content on it with consistency. Trust me, you will be surprised with the results.

5. What are the most prominent techniques that you use to market yourself?

As such there are no techniques that I use to market myself – be authentic and go for it.

6. How do you price your services as a freelancer? Any essential points that a new freelancer should know of?

I charge services according to the requirements of the project. Whether it is a long time or one-timer, how much time I will take to do the research, edits, etc.

Every freelancer has their journey. You will meet many good clients and some not-so-good ones – but you will learn a lot in the process. Just stay positive and happy! 

7. What according to you are the most essential skills that anyone interested in this area of work should develop?

Marketing yourself, communication, and negotiation are the three pillars of any business- and this business is not an exception. I know it is not easy, but we will learn with time.

Some tools which are highly recommended:

  • Pro-writing aid and Grammarly
  • Calendly
  • SEMRush 

For content and copywriting resources, I recommend:

  • Cole|Sticky Notes
  • Terry Schilling
  • Hubspot blogs
  • Inkwell content

8. How do you ensure productivity? What are the critical points to keep in mind to ensure efficiency?

Some days I am productive, other days I am not. My productivity depends on my deadlines and my goals at that time.

Stay calm and focussed. Don’t overburden yourself with the work. 

9. As a freelancer, what were the biggest obstacles you overcame? What were your worst mistakes?

For me, the biggest obstacle was talking to my clients over the phone. I had this fear, initially. However, then they were super-sweet and humble. They made my fear disappear in thin air.

Overthinking – this is undoubtedly the worst mistake. I thought umpteen times before posting my first content. It took me a month approximately. What can be worse than this!

10. What are the most crucial aspects that a freelancer should focus on for growth?

Time management and upscaling their skills are the most crucial aspects that a freelancer should focus on for growth.

11. What is the one major pro and/or con of freelancing, according to you?

Pro: You are your boss. You decide the timings, your environment, your attire, etc.

Con: Time management. Sometimes, I try hard to maintain a work-life balance. 

12. What mission and vision do you have? How do you want history to look at you?

I want to be a better version of myself every day – be it personally or professionally. I am taking the baby steps for the same.

Oh, history! I don’t know. I think I need to do something really big and worthwhile to answer this question.

13. What would do you differently if you had to begin your career again? What would you focus on once you restart?

Em… I won’t change anything. I think destiny has played its role wonderfully. Everything falls into place at the right time. I am blessed!!

Harmeet can be reached out on Refrens.

Framing a bid proposal for your business? Don’t forget to include an Estimate! Read our article on ‘Creating a perfect Cost Estimate’ for your next project.

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