Contoh Invoice - Sample Invoice for FREE

Elevate your business transactions in Malaysia with beautifully designed sample invoices that seamlessly blend style and functionality. Refrens contoh invois (sample invoice) are crafted to impress and simplify your invoicing process. Download, print, email, or even share via WhatsApp to effortlessly connect with your clients.

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Invoice Template in PDF (Add invoice details and download it in PDF format.)

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Invoice Generator - Invoice Malaysia Form
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Contoh invoice in downloadable format

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Contoh Invoice Template
Free Contoh Invoice
Contoh invoice template specially for businesses in MalaysiaCreate Invoice For Free

Contoh Invoice Template

What is contoh invoice or invois?

Contoh invois in Malaysia or Indonesia is referred as "sample invoice" or "sample invoice template". Contoh means sample and invois means invoice in Malay language, hence in Malaysia is considered as sample invoice.

Contoh invois is the same as the sample invoice, used to create invoices for the businesses. It can differ in language, normal sample invoices come mostly in the English language and contoh invoices can come in Malay and also in the English language. You can use both types of invoices for your business as per your requirements.

If you are a freelancer, small agency or micro business you don’t have to make too many invoices for the businesses you can opt for sample invoices or contoh invoices because it is more feasible and affordable for these types of businesses, it becomes easy to just download the sample invoice and edit it as per the business requirement and directly send invoices to the clients.

One more method is to just opt. for a free invoice generator that helps you to create free invoices for you. It exactly works as a sample or contoh invoice, you can create an invoice online for free and can edit the invoice as per the business needs by changing the invoice templates, customizing columns and fields, colors and many more.

If you are a business that frequently invoices to your client then you should surely opt. for invoicing software or accounting software as it makes your invoicing process a breeze. This software helps you with the entire business accounting process right from creating quotations, invoices, purchase orders, and sales orders, and managing inventory and expenses to all the business financial reports. - all in one place.

Customizable contoh sample invoice on Refrens

There are 2 methods to create an invoice:

1. Use Refrens contoh invoice to create invoice

Refrens contoh invoice is a blank invoice form where you get all the necessary fields and columns to create an invoice for the client. Here you have to just fill in the details of your business and client business with the appropriate product or service you offered to the client along with the proper quantity, price and taxable invoice. Refrens contoh invoices also provide you with the options to add discounts, add custom fields, attachments, terms and conditions, and signatures. Also once you create an invoice you have the option to customize the invoice by changing the invoice templates, adding color, branding, fonts, letterhead and footer. Once the customization is complete, you can send the invoice to the client via email, or you can download the invoice in PDF or print. One of the outstanding features of Refrens is it provides the WhatsApp option where you can send invoices directly to the client via WhatsApp.

2. Use Word or Google Docs to create contoh invoice

One more option to create contoh invoice is to use Word or Google Docs to create an invoice. Refrens provide Word and Google Docs invoice templates as well for businesses that don’t require too much invoicing. This option best suits freelancers, self-employed, agencies, and small businesses that have to invoice once a month. You have to simply download the invoice template and edit the invoice to your business requirements. Once the invoice is created just convert the invoice in PDF format and send it to the client. Here one concern is most of the users don’t know how to convert the Word invoice to a PDF invoice which is a hassle work, so opting for a Refrens invoice is the best option as Refrens automatically converts the invoice to PDF format with just one click.

How to create an contoh invoice?

To create a contoh invoice follow the below steps:

  1. First go to the Refrens contoh invoice page using the keyword "Refrens contoh invoice" on Google or any search engine.
  2. Then click on the button which says "Create Your First Invoice", a contoh invoice form will be loaded on your screen.
  3. Start filling in the details of your client and your business details like business name, address, city, state, code, email, phone number etc. If you want to add more fields then you can use custom fields as well.
  4. The next step is to add line items which show what are the services or products you offered to the client. It is essential to add proper naming of the product or service name, quantity, price, total amount discounts and taxes if applicable.
  5. Next is to add the terms and conditions, notes, attachments, signature, and contact details and here you can also mark it whether the invoice is recurring or not.

Share contoh invoices with your clients

Refrens offers various convenient options for sharing invoices with your clients. Here are some examples:

Download Invoice as PDF: You can download the invoice in PDF format, making it easy to share and store digitally.

Print Invoice: If needed, you have the option to print a hard copy of the invoice for traditional documentation purposes.

Email Invoice: Refrens allows you to email the invoice directly to your client. You can even integrate your custom email address for a more personalized touch. Additionally, you can schedule the invoice for later and set up email reminders to ensure timely payments.

WhatsApp Invoice: For a more modern and instant approach, you can send the invoice to your client via WhatsApp. Similar to email, you can schedule the invoice to be sent at a specific time.

These options provide flexibility, allowing you to choose the method that best suits your communication preferences and your client's convenience. Whether you prefer a digital format, a printed document, or a quick message on WhatsApp, Refrens makes it easy to share invoices seamlessly.