Magika Studio

Magika Studio

Empowering Change
Freelancer based in Indonesia


UIUX Design
UI/UX Design We design mobile applications and websites that delight your users with effectiveness and aesthetics. Let's make sure your product works in the most pleasing and intuitive way. Prototyping Prepare your product for testing! We reform your design into a simulation that allows you to explore the overall design and concept. Design System Get a convenient, centralized collection of your design components and digital assets. We make clear standards that are useful for collaboration in the design and development process.
$500 - $15,000 Per Project
Creative VIsuals
Brand Identity We create visual elements, communications and all other features that distinguish your brand and help you connect with customers. Graphic Design We craft professional visual content to convey your ideas, messages and information while making your display interactive. Iconography We improve your visual effectiveness, enhance usability, help users navigate better with a set of icons for your product. Typography Create your own font for your brand or project. We design font that comes together with your brand personality, engages your audience and legible. Photo/Video Production Create meaningful content and make your content meaningful with photos and videos. We cover pre-production, shooting/filming, to editing process.
$1,000 - $50,000 Per Project
Product Research
Quantitative Research We collect and analyze numerical data to help you know anything better—your market, your users, your product, and more. Qualitative Research Discover thoughts, opinions, trends and other non-numerical data to analyze and make better strategy. Let's see how your product or design is doing! We uncover problems and improvement opportunities by testing it on users through a series of tasks and scenarios.
$400 - $75,000 Per Project

About Magika Studio

The story of Magika Agency was started in 2020. Our very first move was driven by the fact that businesses and individuals are always forced to adapt and make changes in the world that constantly evolves and transforms digitally, especially during the pandemic. From this perspective, we took the initiative to be present and empower those who want to make the change that matters.

“Empowering change” has become our solid DNA ever since. Based in Jakarta, Indonesia, we aspire to be a creative environment where ideas are cultivated solutions are built.

Application DevelopmentUI Design
Address Indonesia
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