Krati Agarwal

Krati Agarwal

work for legacy
Freelancer based in Agra, India


Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing of your business for brand visibility and leads.
₹30,000 - ₹50,000 Every Month

About Krati Agarwal

I am a business growth coach handelling 3 businesses. One is to provide SMM services to startups/small businesses for brand visibility and leads. Second is my blog based business www.boldblushblog.com and third is 1:1 mentorship to solopreneurs who want to launch and scale their biz online+ course for new freelancers who want to build a brand and attract high ticket clients. I have 70k+ followers on Linkedin and working with many clients across the globe. Till now worked with 50+ clients regarding different services. I operate with my team of 2 members,

Social Links
Address Agra, India
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