

Freelancer based in MANGALORE, India


Android App Development
We develop high quality android apps catered to your business needs, here's what we provide: - Project research and planning. - Designing wireframes and mockups. - Development of the modules planned. - Deploying initial alpha with internal testing and bug fixes. - Deploying beta version with real users and testing. - Deploying to google play store with CI/CD using fastlane. - Maintanance of the app.
₹0OnwardsMultiple Price Plans

About Appventor

Appventor delivers amazing apps on all platforms like Android, iOS, Fuschia, Mac OS, Windows, Linux and Web. Bring all your ideas to life with our great Product development team who deliver high quality user centric apps and client centric budget.

App DevelopmentFull-Stack DevelopmentDesktop App Development
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Address MANGALORE, India
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